Legal aid

المواعيد والمدد القانونية في القانون المصرى

أولا : المواعيد والمدد القانونية فى قانون الأحوال الشخصية المرسوم بقانون رقم 25 لسنة 1929 المعدل بالقانون رقم 100 لسنة 1985م .

The date of notarization of the divorce certificate (Article 5 BIS)

The divorcee has to notarize a divorce certificate with the competent notary within thirty days of the rhythm of the divorce .

If she does not attend, the notary must declare the divorce to her person by a bailiff, and the notary must hand over the copy of the divorce certificate to the divorcee or her representative in accordance with the procedures issued by the decision of the minister of Justice

المهلة المحددة للحكمين(  المادة 8 )

(1) the decision to send the two sentences includes the beginning and the end of a bailiff who is accused of not exceeding a period of six months and the court notifies the two sentences and the opponent of this, and it must swear by each of the two referees to perform his task fairly and honestly

(2) the court may grant the two judges another time limit once, not exceeding three months, if they do not submit their report and are deemed to disagree .

ميعاد اعتراض الزوجة علي الإنذار بالطاعة الموجة إليها من الزوج  ( المادة 11 مكرر ثانيا )

If the wife refrains from obeying the husband without the right, the wife's alimony shall be stopped from the date of abstention

She is considered to be unjustly abstinent if she does not return to the marital home after the husband invites her to return with a declaration by a bailiff for her person or her representative, and he must indicate in this declaration the residence .

The wife has the right to object to this before the court of first instance within thirty days from the date of the announcement, and she must indicate in the objection sheet the legitimate aspects on which she bases her refusal to obey him, otherwise it is ruled that her objection will not be accepted .

ميعاد التطليق لغيبة الزوج ( المادة  12 )

If the husband has been absent for a year or more without an acceptable excuse, his wife may ask the judge to divorce her if she is harmed by him after her and if he has money from which she can spend .

The date of divorce for the detention of the spouse ( Article 14 )

The wife of a detainee who has been permanently sentenced to a custodial sentence of three years or more may ask the judge after one year of imprisonment to release him on grounds of harm, if he has money from which she can spend .

ميعاد رفع دعوي نفي النسب  ( المادة 15)

When denying, you will not hear claims of descent for a wife's child who has been proven not to have met with her husband since the contract, nor for a wife's child whom she brought a year after the husband was stupid about her, nor for a divorced child whose deceased husband brought her for more than a year from the time of divorce or death .

The date of filing claims for alimony and claims for maintenance of the kit ( Article 17 )

A lawsuit for alimony for more than a year from the date of divorce is not heard, and when denying a claim of descent due to inheritance due to matrimony for a divorcee whose husband died a year after the date of divorce, it is not heard .

The date of execution of the alimony provision ( Article 18 )

An alimony judgment issued after the entry into force of this law may not be executed for a period exceeding one year from the date of divorce, and a judgment issued before the entry into force of this law for a period after its issuance may not be executed except to the extent that completes one year from the date of divorce .

The term of the age of custody of the young (Article 20)

The right of custody of women ends when the minor reaches the age of ten and the minor reaches the age of twelve, and after this age, the judge may keep the minor until the age of fifteen and the minor until she marries in the hands of the sitter without a custody fee if it turns out that her interest requires it .

Both parents have the right to see the little one or the little one and the grandparents like that when the parents are not present .

Duration of the missing person's death (Article 21)

The missing person is considered dead after one year from the date of his loss in the event that it is proved that he was on the deck of a sunken ship or was in a downed aircraft , or he was a member of the armed forces and was lost during military operations, and the prime minister or the minister of Defense shall be issued as Investigation and retrieval of the clues with which the doom prevails, a decision on the names of the missing who were considered dead in the judgment of the previous paragraph, and this decision takes the place of the judgment on the death of the missing .

In other cases, the determination of the period after which the judge is sentenced shall be delegated not less than four years, after investigating him with all possible divorces leading to finding out whether the missing person is alive or dead .

ثانيا : المواعيد والمدد القانونية في المرسوم بقانون 119 لسنة 1952 ( الخاص بأحكام الولاية علي المال) .


The date of editing the list of the minor's property by The Guardian of the minor (Article 16)

The guardian must draw up a list of what the minor has of money or what is assigned to him and deposit the registry of the court in whose district his home is located within two months from the beginning of the mandate or the assignment of this money to the minor

The date of expiry of the mandate over the minor (Article 18)

The mandate ends when the minor reaches twenty-one six unless the court rules before he reaches this age that the mandate continues over him .

The date of the ruling on the suspension of guardianship over the minor (Article 21 )

The court rules to suspend guardianship if the Guardian is considered absent or arrested in execution of a sentence of a felony sentence or imprisonment for a period exceeding one year

The date of the minor's request for permission to manage his money (Article 55 )

The court May, after hearing the statements of the Guardian, authorize the minor who has reached eighteen to receive all or some of his funds for management, and if the court refuses permission, the applicant may not be renewed before one year has elapsed from the date of the final decision to refuse .

ثالثا : القانون رقم 1 لسنة 2000م بشأن تنظيم التقاضي في بعض مسائل الأحوال الشخصية والمعدل بالقانون رقم 91 لسنة 2000م .

Age of eligibility for litigation in matters of personal status (Article 2)

The eligibility of litigation in matters of personal status of the state shall be established for the person who has completed fifteen full birth years with mental powers .

Date of acceptance of marriage claims-conditions (Article 17 )

Claims arising out of a marriage contract are not accepted if the wife's age is less than sixteen Gregorian years , or the husband's age is less than eighteen Gregorian years at the time of filing the claim

Claims arising from the marriage contract in the facts subsequent to the first of August 1939 are not accepted upon denial, unless the marriage is confirmed by official documents, however, divorce or annulment claims are accepted according to the circumstances, but only if the marriage is fixed in any writing .

Date of presentation of the court to the magistrate (Article 18 )

In cases of self-guardianship, the court is obliged to offer conciliation to the opponents, and whoever fails to attend the conciliation session with knowledge of it without an acceptable excuse refuses him .

In divorce and divorce cases, we are not sentenced to them until after the court makes an effort to try to reconcile the spouses and is unable to do so .if the spouses have a son, the court is obliged to offer reconciliation at least twice, separated by a period of not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days.

رابعا : المواعيد والمدد القانونية في القانون رقم 10 لسنة 2004م  بإصدار قانون محكمة الأسرة بدء سريان أحكام قانون محكمة الأسرة : ـ

يعمل بأحكام القانون المرفق في شأن إنشاء محاكم الأسرة ، ويلغي كل حكم يخالف أحكامه ( المادة 1 ) 

Referral of cases to the Family Court (Article 2 ) 

The courts of the first, partial and primary instance shall, on their own initiative, refer the cases that they have, which, according to the provisions of the attached law, have become the jurisdiction of the family courts, in the case in which they are and without fees, and in the absence of one of the opponents, the registry of the book shall declare him with the referral order and instruct him to appear on time before the family court to which the case was referred.

The family courts are obliged to consider the cases referred to them in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph without submitting them to the family dispute settlement offices provided for in the attached law.

The first paragraph shall not apply to the cases sentenced or the cases postponed for the issuance of the judgment, and the judgments issued in this case shall remain subject to the rules governing the methods of Appeal in force before the operation of this law .

استمرار محكمة النقض ومحاكم الاستئناف في نظر الدعاوي ( المادة 3 )

The court of Cassation, the courts of Appeal and the courts of first instance shall continue to consider appeals filed before it before the provisions of the annexed law on judgments and decisions issued by the district and primary courts and the courts of Appeal, as the case may be, in cases that have become the jurisdiction of the family court .

Date of issuance of the executive regulations of the Family Court Law (Article 4 ) 

The minister of justice shall issue the necessary decisions to implement the provisions of the attached law, within three months from the date of its issuance .

Date of entry into force of the Family Court Law (Article 5 )

This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be in force as of the first of October 2004

ميعاد انتهاء مدة تسوية المنازعات الأسرية  ( مادة 8 )

The settlement must be completed within fifteen days from the date of submission of the application , and this period may not be exceeded except by agreement of the liabilities, if the reconciliation is made, the head of the family dispute settlement Office shall prove it in a minutes signed by the parties to the dispute, and attached to the minutes of the session in which it was Peace is in it .

If the efforts have not resulted in an amicable settlement of the dispute in all or some of its elements , and the student insists on completing the process, a record of what has been done and signed by the parties to the dispute, or those present about them, and attached to it are the reports of statisticians , and a report from the head of the office, and all The deadline is seven days from the date of the request of any of the parties to the dispute, in order to proceed with the judicial proceedings, unless agreed by the parties to the dispute.

Dates are calculated in the Gregorian calendar, unless otherwise provided by law (Article 3 )

ميعاد بلوغ  سن الرشد القانوني  (مادة 44)

 (1) every person who has reached the age of majority with mental powers and has not been quarantined shall be fully entitled to exercise his civil rights.

(2) وسن الرشد هي إحدى وعشرون سنة ميلادية كاملة.

ميعاد وأسباب  عدم اكتمال الأهلية  ( مادة 45)

(1) no one who has lost his distinction because of his young age, dementia or insanity shall be eligible to exercise his civil rights.

(2) anyone who has not reached the age of seven is considered to lack distinction.

ميعاد صدور الإيجاب والقبول ( مادة  94)

(1) if the offer is issued in the contract council, without specifying the date of acceptance, the offeror shall be degraded from his positive if the acceptance is not issued immediately, as well as the case if the offer is issued by one person to another by telephone or by any similar way .

(2) however, the contract shall be concluded, even if the acceptance is not issued immediately, if there is no evidence that the Offeror has modified his offer in the period between the offer and acceptance, and the acceptance was issued before the contract Council dismissed.

Date of offer and acceptance between absent contractors (Article 97 )

(1) the contract between the two absentees shall be deemed to have been concluded in the place and at the time in which the Offeror is informed of the acceptance, unless there is an agreement or a legal provision providing otherwise.

(2) it is assumed that the Offeror has learned of the acceptance in the place and at the time when this acceptance reached him.

The time of filing a claim for annulment of the contract for the fact that one of the contractors committed an error ( Article 129 )

(1) if the obligations of one of the contractors are in no way equivalent to the benefit received by that contractor under the contract or with the obligations of the other contractor , and it turns out that the defaulting contractor concluded the contract only because the other contractor took advantage of obvious indiscretion or unbridled whim, the judge may, at the request of the defaulting contractor, invalidate the contract This is the contractor.

(2) the claim must be filed within one year from the date of the contract, otherwise it is inadmissible.

(3) in compensation contracts, the claim of champions may be satisfied by the other party, if he offers what the judge deems sufficient to lift the tort.

ميعاد سقوط الحق في طلب الإبطال ( مادة  140 )

(1) the right to invalidate the contract shall be forfeited if its owner does not uphold it within three years.

(2) in case of revocation of eligibility, this period shall take effect from the day on which this reason ceases , and in case of error or fraud , from the day on which it is revealed , and in case of coercion from the day of its interruption , and in any case the right of champions may not be invoked for error, fraud or coercion if fifteen years have elapsed Full contract.

Date of termination of claims of invalidity (Article 141 )

(1) if the contract is invalid, every interested party may invoke the invalidity, and the court may rule on it on its own, and the invalidity does not disappear by Leave.

(2) the claim of invalidity shall be dismissed by the lapse of fifteen years from the time of the contract.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي التعويض عن العمل الغير مشروع ( مادة 172 )

(1) a claim for compensation arising from an unlawful act shall be time-barred by the expiration of three years from the day on which the injured person became aware of the occurrence of the damage and the person responsible for it . This lawsuit is dropped in any case, with the expiration of fifteen years from the day the illegal act occurred.

(2) however, if such a claim arises from a crime, and the criminal case has not been dismissed after the expiration of the deadlines mentioned in the previous paragraph, the claim for compensation shall be dismissed only with the termination of the criminal case.

ميعاد دعوي التعويض عن الإثراء بلا سبب ( مادة 180 )

The claim for compensation for enrichment shall be terminated without cause by the expiration of three years from the day on which the person who suffered the loss learns of his right to compensation, and the claim shall be dismissed, as well as in all cases by the expiration of fifteen years from the day on which this right arises.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي الفضالة ( مادة 197 )

The lawsuit arising out of curiosity shall be dismissed upon the expiration of three years from the day on which each party learns of his right . In all cases, it shall also lapse upon the expiration of fifteen years from the day on which this right arises.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي عدم نفاذ التصرف ( مادة 243)

The statute of limitations for the non-effectiveness of the disposition shall expire upon the expiration of three years from the day on which the creditor learns of the reason for the non-effectiveness of the disposition and in all cases shall expire upon the expiration of fifteen years from the time the contested disposition was issued.

ميعاد المعارضة في الأحكام الصادرة في حالات الإعسار المدني ( مادة 252 )

The duration of the opposition in the judgments issued on insolvency is eight days, and the duration of its appeal is fifteen days, starting from the date of announcement of those judgments.

ميعاد التظلم من الحجز الواقع علي إيرادات المدين ( مادة 259)

If the creditors have signed the seizure of the debtor's income, the president of the court competent for the insolvency month may decide for the debtor, on the basis of a petition submitted by him, an alimony to be received from his seized income , and it is permissible to appeal against the order issued on this petition, within three days from the date of its issuance, if the Complain about them.

ميعاد الاعتراض علي حوالة الدين ( مادة 322 )

(1) the sale of the mortgaged property under a formal pledge does not follow the transfer of the debt secured by the pledge to the buyer's liability only if there is an agreement to this.

(2) if the seller and the buyer agree on the transfer of the debt, and the contract of sale is registered, the creditor, once the transfer is officially announced, must approve or reject it within a period not exceeding six months, if this period elapses without being satisfied with the opinion, his silence is considered an acknowledgement.


ميعاد تقادم الالتزام ( مادة 374)

The obligation expires after the expiration of fifteen years, except for the cases mentioned in a special provision in the law and with the exception of the following exceptions.

ميعاد تقادم الحقوق الدورية ( مادة 375 )

(1) every periodic renewable right, even if approved by the debtor, such as the rent of buildings, agricultural land, in exchange for a monopoly, as well as interest and consequent income, gifts, wages and pensions, shall expire by five years.

(2) the rent due shall not be forfeited to the bad-faith holder, nor the rent that the custodian of the waqf is obliged to pay to the beneficiaries, except after the expiration of fifteen years.

ميعاد تقادم أتعاب الأطباء والمهندسين والمحامين والأطباء ( مادة   376 )

The rights of doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, engineers, experts, bankruptcy agents, brokers, professors and teachers are expired by five years, provided that these rights are due to them as a reward for the work they have done in their profession and the expenses they have incurred

ميعاد تقادم الرسوم والضرائب المستحقة للدولة ( مادة 377  )

(1) taxes and fees due to the state shall be three years old and the limitation period for annual taxes and fees shall begin from the end of the year for which they are due, and for fees due for judicial papers from the date of termination of the proceedings in the case on which these papers were filed, or from the date of their filing if no case has been filed.

(2) the right to demand the refund of taxes and fees that have been paid unlawfully is also three years out of date . The limitation period begins from the day of its payment.

(3) the preceding provisions shall not prejudice the provisions of the provisions contained in the special laws.

ميعاد تقادم حقوق الخدم والتجار والعمال والصناع ( مادة 378)

(1) the following rights shall expire by one year :

(A) the rights of merchants and manufacturers to return items to people who do not trade in these items, and the rights of hotel and restaurant owners to the cost of accommodation, the price of food and everything they have spent on behalf of their customers.

(B) the rights of workers, servants and wage earners to daily and non-daily wages and the price of their supplies.

(2) whoever maintains that the right has expired by a year must swear an oath that he has actually fulfilled the debt . This oath is directed by the judge on his own initiative and is addressed to the heirs of the debtor or their guardians, if they are minors, that they do not know about the existence of the debt or know about the fulfillment.

ميعاد تقادم دعوي تكملة الثمن بسبب غبن لحق بأحد أطراف العقد ( مادة 426 )

(1) a claim supplemented by the price for wrongfulness shall be subject to the statute of limitations if three years have elapsed from the time of eligibility or from the day on which the owner of the property sold dies.

(2) this lawsuit does not cause harm to the non-bona fide if he gains a right in kind to the property sold.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي الضمان ( مادة 452 )

(1) the warranty claim is time-barred if one year has elapsed from the time of delivery of the seller and if the buyer reveals the defect only after that, unless the seller accepts to be bound by the warranty for a longer period.

(2) however, the seller may not invoke the completeness of the limitation period if it is proved that he deliberately concealed the defect fraudulently from him.

ميعاد رفع دعوي الضمان – سقوط ( مادة 455 )

If the seller guarantees the validity of the seller to work for a period of information and then a defect appears in the sale, the buyer must notify the seller of this defect within one month of its appearance and file a lawsuit within six months of this notification, otherwise his right to warranty will lapse, all this unless otherwise agreed.

ميعاد انقضاء الشركة ( مادة 526 )

(1) the Company shall terminate upon the expiration of the date assigned to it or upon the completion of the work for which it has performed.

(2) if the specified period has elapsed or the work is terminated and the partners continue to perform the type of work for which the company was formed, the contract shall be extended year by year under the same conditions.

(3) a creditor of one of the partners may object to such an extension, and his objection shall result in the cessation of its effect against him.

ميعاد استحقاق فوائد الدين ( مادة 544 )  

If the interest is agreed, the debtor, if one year has elapsed months after the loan, may declare his desire to cancel the contract and refund what he borrowed, provided that the refund is made within a period not exceeding six months from the date of this announcement, in which case the debtor is obliged to pay the interest due for the six months following the announcement , and Interest or consideration of any kind due to accelerated fulfillment, and it is not allowed to agree on the cancellation or limitation of the borrower's right to refund.

ميعاد انتهاء عقد الإيجار إذا لم تحدد مده بعقد الإيجار أو حددت لأجل غير محدد ( مادة 563 )

If the lease is concluded without an agreement on a term, a contract for an indefinite period, or the claimed term cannot be proved, the lease is considered to be concluded for the period designated for the payment of the rent . This period shall expire at the request of one contractor if the other contractor has been notified of the evacuation on the following dates.

(A) in agricultural lands and wastelands, if the period set for the payment of the rent is six months or more, the notification shall be three months before its termination, and if the period is less than that, the notification shall be given before the last half thereof, all this taking into account the tenant's right to harvest according to custom.

( ب ) في المنازل والحوانيت والمكاتب والمتاجر والمصانع والمخازن وما إلى ذلك إذا كانت الفترة المعينة لدفع الأجرة  أربعة أشهر أو أكثر وجب تنبيه قبل انتهائها بشهرين ، فإذا كانت الفترة أقل من ذلك وجب التنبيه قبل نصفها الأخير.

(C) in furnished dwellings and rooms and in anything other than the foregoing, if the period designated for payment of the fare is two months or more, the notification must be given one month before the final one, and if it is less than that, the notification must be given before the last half thereof.

ميعاد أقصي مدة ينعقد لها إيجار الوقف ( مادة 633 )

(1) the caretaker may not, without the permission of the judge, lease the waqf for a period exceeding three years, even if that is on concurrent contracts .if the lease is held for a longer period, the period has expired to three years.

(2) however, if the caretaker is the only one standing or entitled, he may lease the stay for a period exceeding three years without the need for a judge's permission, and this without prejudice to the right of the caretaker who succeeds him to request a reduction of the period to three years.

ميعاد الضمان في عقود المقاولات ( مادة 651)

(1) the architect and the contractor shall guarantee in solidarity what happens within ten years of the total or partial demolition of the buildings they have constructed or erected from other fixed facilities, even if the demolition is due to a defect in the land itself , or the work has authorized the erection of defective facilities, unless the contractors in this case have wanted These installations have a duration of less than ten years .

(2) the warranty provided for in the preceding paragraph includes the defects in buildings and installations that threaten the durability and safety of construction.

(3) وتبدأ مدة السنوات العشر من وقت تسلم العمل ولا تسرى هذه المادة على ما قد يكون للمقاول من حق الرجوع على المقاولين من الباطن  ميعاد سقوط دعوي الضمان ( مادة 654 )

Advanced warranty claims are terminated by the expiration of three years from the time of the demolition or the discovery of the defect .

ميعاد سقوط الدعاوى الناشئة عن عقد العمل الفردي ( مادة  698 )

(1) claims arising out of an employment contract shall expire with the expiration of a year starting from the time of termination of the contract, except with respect to employment, profit sharing and percentages in total income, the period in which it begins only from the time when the employer delivers to the worker a statement of what he is entitled to according to the latest inventory .

(2) this special limitation period shall not apply to actions related to the violation of the inviolability of trade secrets or the implementation of the provisions of the employment contract aimed at ensuring respect for these secrets .

ميعاد تقادم الحقوق الناشئة عن عقد التأمين ( مادة 752  )

(1) claims arising out of the insurance contract shall be time-barred by the expiration of three years from the time of the occurrence of the incident that gave rise to such claims .

(2) however, this period does not apply :

A. In case of concealing data related to the insured risk, or providing incorrect or inaccurate data about this risk, except from the day when the insurer learned about it .

P. In the event of an insured event, except from the day on which the concerned persons became aware of its occurrence.

ميعاد دعوي براءة الذمة ذمة الكفيل ( مادة 785)

(1) the guarantor shall not be discharged simply because the creditor delayed taking the measures or simply because he did not take them .

(2) however, the guarantor's debt is discharged if the creditor does not take action against the debtor within six months, or the guarantor's warning to the creditor, Unless the debtor has provided the guarantor with sufficient security .

ميعاد رفع دعوي نقض القسمة ( مادة 845 )

(1) The Division obtained by mutual consent may be reversed if one of the two parties proves that he has been wronged by more than one-fifth of it, provided that the lesson is in estimating the value of the thing at the time of division .

(2) the lawsuit must be filed within the year following the division . The defendant may stop the process and prevent the division again if the defendant completes in cash or in kind what has been reduced from his share .

مدة عقد قسمة المهاياة ( مادة 846  )

(1) in the division of the facility, the partners agree that each of them shall benefit from a separate portion equal to his share in the common money, ceding to his partners in exchange for the use of the remaining parts . Such an agreement shall not be valid for more than five years . If there is no requirement for a period or the agreed period has expired and no new agreement has been obtained, the period of one year is renewed if the partner does not declare to his partners three months before the end of the current year that he does not wish to renew .

(2) if this division lasts fifteen years, a final division shall be reversed, unless otherwise agreed by the partners . If the partner has acquired a separate portion of the common money for a period of fifteen years, it is assumed that his possession of this portion is based on a prepared division .

مدة الاتفاق علي ملكية الأسرة ( مادة 852 )

(1) it may be agreed to establish family ownership for a period not exceeding fifteen years, provided that each partner may request permission from the court to take out his share of this ownership before the agreed term if there is a strong justification for this .

(2) if the said property does not have a certain time limit, each partner may withdraw his share from it after six months from the day he announces to the partners his desire to withdraw his share .

ميعاد فقد الملكية بسبب عدم الاستعمال ( مادة 874 )

(1) uncultivated land that has no owner shall be the property of the state .

(2) such lands may not be owned or seized except with a license from the state in accordance with the regulations .

(3) however, an Egyptian has planted, planted, or built on uncultivated land, and immediately owns the cultivated or planted part or the building, even without a license from the state . But he loses his ownership by not using it for a period of five years during the ten-fifths of the year following the ownership .

ميعاد الأخذ بالشفعة ( مادة 942 )

(1) the declaration of the desire to take intercession must be official, otherwise it is invalid . This declaration shall not be an argument against third parties unless it is registered .

(2) within thirty days at the latest from the date of this announcement, the treasury of the court in whose department the property must deposit all the real price obtained after the sale, taking into account that this deposit must be made before filing the lawsuit by intercession, if the deposit is not made by this time on the applicant, the right to intercession lapsed.

ميعاد رفع دعوي المطالبة بالشفعة ( مادة   943 )

A pre-emption claim is filed against the seller and the buyer before the court in whose district the property is located and is credited to the schedule . All this shall be within thirty days from the date of the announcement provided for in the previous article, otherwise the right to it shall be forfeited and the lawsuit shall be adjudicated promptly .

ميعاد سقوط الحق في المطالبة بالشفعة ( مادة 948 )

The right to intercession is waived in the following cases:

(A) if the intercessor renounces his right to accept intercession, even before the sale.

(B) if four months have elapsed from the date of registration of the contract of sale .

(C) in other cases provided for by law .

ميعاد انقضاء الحيازة ( مادة 957)

(1) possession shall not lapse if effective control of the right is prevented by a temporary impediment .

(2) however, the possession lapses if this impediment lasts a whole year and arises from a new possession that occurred against the will or without the knowledge of the possessor . It is calculated starting from the time when the new possession has expired, if it began openly, or from the time the first holder became aware of it if it began secretly .

ميعاد رفع دعاوى استرداد الحيازة ( مادة 958 )

(1) the owner of the property May, during the year following the loss of the property, request its return to him . If the loss of possession is hidden, the year will take effect from the time it is revealed .

(2) possession may also be recovered from each holder on behalf of another .

ميعاد رفع دعوي الحيازة التي اغتصبت بالقوة ( مادة 959)

(1) if a person who has lost possession has not been in possession for a year at the time of his loss, possession may be recovered only from a person who is not based on a possession entitled to preference . The most preferred possession is the possession that is based on a legal deed . If none of the holders has a bond or their bonds are tied, the rightful possession is the first in history .

(2) if he has lost possession by force, the holder may, in all cases, recover his possession from the infringer within the following year .

ميعاد رفع دعوي منع التعرض ( مادة 961 )

Anyone who has acquired a property and has been in possession for a whole year and then has an exposure in his possession may file a lawsuit to prevent this exposure during the following year .

المدة اللازمة لتملك العقار أو المنقول بحيازته ( مادة 968)

A person who has acquired a movable property or real estate without being the owner thereof, or has acquired a right in kind to a movable property or real estate without this right being his own, he had the right to acquire ownership of the thing or the right in kind if his possession continued without interruption for fifteen years .

ميعاد التقادم المكسب ( مادة 969 )  

(1) if the acquisition of real property or a real property right occurred and was accompanied by good faith and at the same time based on a valid reason, the limitation period for the gain shall be five years.

(2) good faith is required only at the time of receipt of the right .

(3) the valid reason is a bond issued by a person who is not the owner of the thing or the owner of the right that is intended to be acquired by statute of limitations, and it must be registered in accordance with the law .

ميعاد اكتساب حقوق الإرث بالتقادم ( مادة 970 )

In all cases, inheritance rights are not acquired by statute of limitations unless the possession lasts for a period of thirty-three years .

It is not allowed to own private funds owned by the state or public legal persons, as well as the funds of economic units belonging to public institutions or public bodies, public sector companies that are not affiliated with either, charitable endowments, or to earn any in-kind right to these funds by statute of limitations.

It is not permissible to infringe on the funds referred to in the previous paragraph, and in case of infringement, the competent minister shall have the right to remove it administratively .

مدة التحكير ( مادة 999)  

It is not permissible to monopolize for a period exceeding sixty years, and if a longer term is appointed or the appointment of the term is omitted, the monopoly is considered to be held for a period of sixty years .

ميعاد انتهاء التحكير بسبب عدم سداد الأجرة ( مادة 1009 )

If the monopolist has not been paid the fare for three consecutive years, he may request the termination of the contract .

ميعاد انتهاء حق الحكر ( مادة  1011 )

The right of monopoly ends by not using it for a period of fifteen years, unless the right of Monopoly is suspended and ends by not using it for a period of three thirty years .

ميعاد انتهاء حقوق الارتفاق ( مادة 1027)  

(1) easements shall expire if they are not used for a period of fifteen years, if the easement is for the benefit of a suspended Person, the period shall be thirty-three years .

 As the statute of limitations expires, the easement may also be modified in the same way from the way in which it is used

(2) if the contracted property is owned by several partners on a common basis, the use of one of them by the agreement interrupts the statute of limitations in the interest of the rest, and the cessation of the statute of limitations in the interest of one of these partners makes it suspended in the interest of the rest of them .

مدة نفاذ مخالصة الأجرة ( مادة 1046)

(1) the advance clearance of the rent for a period not exceeding three years, as well as the transfer thereof, shall not be effective against the mortgaged creditor unless the date is fixed before the registration of the notice of expropriation .

(2) if the clearance or transfer is for a period of more than three years, it shall not be effective against the mortgaged creditor unless it was registered before the pledge was made, otherwise the period shall be reduced to three years taking into account the provision in the preceding paragraph .

ميعاد طلب بيع العقار المطلوب تطهيره ( مادة 1067  )

Each creditor with a restricted right and each guarantor of a restricted right may request the sale of the property to be cleared, and this shall be within thirty days from the last official announcement, to which shall be added the dates of the distance between the original home of the creditor and his chosen home, provided that the dates of the distance shall not exceed another thirty days.

ميعاد إعلان الدائن بتخلية العقار المرهون ( مادة 1071)

(1) the release of the Mortgaged Property shall be by a report submitted by the holder to the registry of the competent court of First Instance, and he must request the indication of this in the margin of registration of the notice of expropriation, and the direct creditor of the proceedings shall announce this release within five days from the time of the report thereof .

(2) a person who has an interest in expediting matters may request the urgent matters judge to appoint a custodian against whom the expropriation proceedings will be conducted .the holder shall appoint a custodian if so requested.

ميعاد الإنذار بدفع الدين أو تخلية العقار ( مادة 1072  )

If the holder does not choose to settle the restricted debts, clear the property from foreclosure, or abandon this property, the mortgaged creditor may not take dispossession actions in accordance with the provisions of the pleadings law in front of him only after warning him to pay the outstanding debt or vacate the property, and the warning shall be after warning the debtor to expropriate or with this warning simultaneously .

تمسك الحائز بحقوق الدائن ( مادة 1073)

(1) the holder who registered his title deed and was not a party to the lawsuit in which the debtor was sentenced to the debt, may uphold the aspects of payments that the debtor had to uphold, if the judgment on the debt was subsequent to the registration of the holder's deed .

(2) in all cases, the holder may invoke the defences that the debtor still has the right to invoke after the judgment of the debt .

عرض الحائز ثمنا للعقار محل البيع – شروط ( مادة 1074  )

The holder has the right to enter the auction on the condition that he does not offer a price lower than the rest of the price of the property being sold

ميعاد تملك الحائز للعقار المرهون الذي اشتراه بالمزاد ( مادة 1075) 

If the ownership of the mortgaged property is expropriated, even if it is after the clearance or abandonment procedures have been taken and the auction fee is paid to the holder himself, this is considered the owner of the property by virtue of its original title deed, and the property is cleared of all restricted rights if the holder pays the price at which the auction was paid or deposited by the court Treasury.

إيجار الدائن المرتهن للعقار المرهون ( مادة 1115 )

The mortgaged creditor of a property may lease the property to the current one without preventing the mortgage from being effective against third parties . If the rent is agreed in the mortgage contract, this must be stated in the same entry . If it is agreed upon after the mortgage, it must be indicated in the margin of registration, but this indication is not necessary if the lease is renewed implicitly .

ميعاد نفاذ الإيجار الخاص بالعقار المرهون وشروطه ( مادة 1123)

(1) a pledge of debt shall not be effective against the debtor unless such pledge is declared to him or accepted by him in accordance with article 305 .

(2) it shall not be effective against third parties except by the mortgagee's possession of the encumbered debt bond, and the mortgage shall be calculated from the fixed date of declaration or acceptance .

لا حاجة إلى الإعلان عن الرهن – حالة خاصة ( مادة 1124  )

Nominal bonds and promissory notes are pledged in the special way established by the law for the transfer of these bonds, provided that it is stated that the transfer was made as a pledge, and the pledge is made without the need for a declaration.

إخطار الراهن بسداد الدائن المرتهن لدين مستحق ( مادة   1126 )

(1) the mortgaged creditor may seize the interest due on the encumbered debt that is resolved after the encumbrance, as well as he may seize all the periodic benefits of this debt, provided that what he seizes is deducted from the expenses, then from the interest, then from the principal of the debt secured by the encumbrance, all this unless otherwise agreed .

(2) the encumbered creditor is obliged to preserve the encumbered debt, and if he has to demand something from this debt without the intervention of the current, he must demand it at the time and place designated for satisfaction and notify the current of this .

Legal dates and periods in the law of civil and commercial pleadings

ميعاد تمام الإعلانات  ( مادة 7 )

No declaration may be made and executed before seven o'clock in the morning, nor after eight o'clock in the evening, nor on public holidays, except in cases of necessity and with the written permission of the judge of temporary matters .

 عرض أمر الإعلان علي قاضي الأمور الوقتية  ( مادة 8 )

If, in the opinion of the bailiff, he is directed to refrain from advertising, as if he finds out that the paper contains statements contrary to public order or morals, or that it has been tainted by ambiguity, ignorance, or otherwise, which makes it impossible for him to declare it, he must immediately submit the matter to the judge of temporary matters to order after hearing the Change . The student may complain about this matter to the court of First Instance in the counseling room to finally decide on the grievance after hearing the minutes and the student is scheduled to hand over the declaration to the administration –

حالة عدم وجود من يصح تسليم الاعلان له وحالة امتناع من وجد عن استلام الإعلان  ( مادة 11 )

If the bailiff does not find the right person to hand over the paper to him in accordance with the previous article, or those mentioned in it refrained from signing the original by receipt or from receiving the photo, he must hand it over on the same day to the bailiff of the department, the center, the mayor or the sheikh of the country where the declarant's home is located in his department, as appropriate, after signing the original By receipt .

Within twenty-four hours, the advertiser shall send to the advertiser in his home country or the Chosen One a registered book, accompanied by another copy of the paper, informing him that the photo was handed over to the management authority . The record must show all this in a timely manner in the original of the advertisement and its two images .the advertisement is considered a product of its effects from the time the image is handed over to the person to whom it was legally handed over.

فيمن يصح تسلمهم الإعلانات قانوناً  ( مادة 13 )

Except as provided for in special laws, the copy of the advertisement shall be delivered in the following manner :-

  1. ما يتعلق بالدولة يسلم للوزراء ومديري المصالح المختصة والمحافظين أو لمن يقوم مقامهم فيها عدا صحف الدعاوى وصحف الطعون والأحكام فتسلم الصورة إلي هيئة قضايا الدولة أو فروعها بالأقاليم حسب الاختصاص المحلي لكل منها .
  2. ما يتعلق بالأشخاص العامة يسلم للنائب عنها قانونا أو لمن يقوم مقامه فيما عدا صحف الدعاوى وصحف الطعون والأحكام فتسلم الصورة إلي هيئة قضايا الدولة أو فروعها بالأقاليم حسب الاختصاص المحلى لكل منها .
  3. ما يتعلق بالشركات التجارية يسلم في مركز إدارة الشركة لأحد المتضامنين أو لرئيس مجلس الإدارة أو للمدير أو لمن يقوم مقامهم فإن لم يكن للشركة مركز تسلم لواحد من هؤلاء لشخصه أو في موطنه .
  4. ما يتعلق بالشركات المدنية والجمعيات والمؤسسات الخاصة وسائر الأشخاص الاعتبارية يسلم بمركز إدارتها للنائب عنها بمقتضى عقد إنشائها أو نظامها أو لمن يقوم مقامه فإذا لم يكن لها مركز سلمت الصورة للنائب عنها لشخصه أو في موطنه .
  5. ما يتعلق بالشركات الأجنبية التي لها فرع أو كيل في جمهورية مصر العربية يسلم إلي هذا الفرع أو الوكيل .
  6. ما يتعلق بأفراد القوات المسلحة ومن في حكمهم يسلم بواسطة النيابة العامة إلي الإدارة القضائية المختصة بالقوات المسلحة .
  7. ما يتعلق بالمسجونين يسلم لمأمور السجن .
  8. ما يتعلق ببحارة السفن التجارية أو بالعاملين فيها يسلم للربان.
  9. ما يتعلق بالأشخاص الذين لهم موطن معلوم في الخارج يسلم للنيابة العامة وعلي النيابة إرسالها لوزارة الخارجية لتوصيلها بالطرق الدبلوماسية ، ويجوز أيضا في هذه الحالة وبشروط المعاملة بالمثل تسليم الصورة مباشرة لمقر البعثة الدبلوماسية للدولة التي يقع بها موطن المراد إعلانه كي تتولى توصيلها إليها.

 ويجب علي المحضر خلال أربع وعشرين ساعة من تسليم الصورة للنيابة العامة المختصة أو يوجه إلي المعلن إليه في موطنه المبين بالورقة وعلي نفقة الطالب كتابا موصى عليه بعلم الوصول يرفق به صورة أخري ، ويخبره فه أن الصورة المعلنة سلمت إلي النيابة العامة . ويعتبر الإعلان لأثاره من وقت تسليم الصورة للنيابة العامة ما لم يكن مما يبدأ منه ميعاد في الحق المعلن إليه ، فلا يبدأ هذا الميعاد إلا من تاريخ تسليم الصورة في موطن المعلن إليه في الخارج ، أو توقيعه علي إيصال علم  الوصول ، أو امتناعه عن استلام الصورة أو التوقيع علي أصلها بالاستلام .

The minister of justice issues a decision on the rules for estimating expenses for mailing and how they are performed.

  1. إذا كان موطن المعلن إليه غير معلوم وجب أن تشتمل الورقة علي أخر موطن معلوم له في جمهورية مصر العربية أو الخارج وتسلم صورتها للنيابة .

In all cases, if the bailiff does not find the right person to hand over the paper on the original receipt or on receipt or on receipt of the copy, the bailiff proved this in time in the original and the copy and handed over the photo to the public prosecution.

عدم اعتبار يوم تمام الإعلان من الأيام الممنوحة للرد قانوناً  ( مادة 15 )

If the law appoints an estimated date in days, months or years for attendance or for the procedure to take place, the day of the announcement or the occurrence of the matter considered by the law to be in progress for the appointment shall not be counted from it, but if the appointment is due to expire before the procedure, the procedure may not take place until after the expiration of the last day of the appointment.

The appointment expires with the expiration of the last day of it if it is a circumstance in which the procedure must take place, and if the appointment is estimated in hours, the calculation of the hour from which it starts and the hour by which it expires on the applicant's face. The appointed dates are calculated by month or for the solar calendar, unless otherwise provided by law .

مواعيد المسافة  ( مادة 16 )

If the date is specified in the law to attend or to start a procedure in which a day is added to it for each distance of fifty kilometers between the place from which to move and the place to which to move . If the distance exceeds thirty kilometers, the time limit is increased for him, and it is not permissible for the distance to exceed four days.  

 The time of the distance shall be fifteen days for those whose homeland is located in the border areas .

ميعاد المسافة لمن يعلن خارج مصر  ( مادة 17 )

The distance limit for those whose home country is abroad is sixty days .

This date may be reduced by order of the temporary affairs judge depending on the ease of transportation and urgent circumstances and this order shall be announced with the paper.

This deadline does not apply to anyone who declares to his person in the Republic while he is present, since the judge of temporary matters or the court when considering the case may order the extension of the regular dates or as extended to me, except in both cases it exceeds the date that he would have deserved if he had declared at home abroad.

امتداد مدة الإعلان إذا صادف أخر يوم عطلة رسمية  ( مادة 18 )

If the last public holiday falls, extend to the first working day after it.


مدة إصدار النيابة العامة لقراراتها في مسائل الحيازة  ( مادة 44 مكرر)

 The public prosecution, when presented with a dispute of civil or criminal possession, must issue a reasoned interim decision in which it must be executed immediately after hearing the statements of the parties to the dispute and conducting the necessary investigations .the said decision shall be issued by a member of the prosecution with the rank of chief prosecutor at least.

 The public prosecution must announce this decision to the relevant authorities within three days from the date of its issuance .

In all cases, the appeal against this decision for everyone concerned shall be before the judge competent for urgent matters, on a lawsuit filed by the usual procedures within fifteen days from the day of his announcement of the decision , and the judge shall rule on the appeal by virtue of my time to support the decision, amend it or cancel it, and May, at the request of the Grievance.

Annexes to the filing of the lawsuit Article 65

  The court book Registry shall record the case sheet if it is accompanied by the following :-

  1. ما يدل علي سداد الرسوم المقررة قانونا أو إعفاء المدعي منها.
  2. صورة من الصحيفة بقدر عدد المعدي عليهم فضلا عن صورتين لقلم الكتاب .
  3. أصول المستندات المؤبدة للدعوى أو صورة منها تحت مسئولية المدعي ، وما يركن إليه من أدلة لإثبات دعواه .
  4. مذكرة شارحة للدعوى أو إقرار باشتمال صحيفة الدعوى علي شرح كامل لها ، وصور من المذكرة أو الإقرار بقدر عدد المدعي عليهم. وعلي قلم الكتاب إثبات تاريخ طلب القيد في جميع الأحوال .

وإذا كان رأي  قلم الكتاب عدم قيد صحيفة الدعوى – لعدم استيفاء المستندات والأوراق المبينة بالفقرة الأولي – قام بعرض الأمر علي قاضي الأمور الوقتية ليفصل فيه فورا ، إما بتكليف قلم الكتاب بقيد الدعوى ، أو بتكليف طالب قيدها باستيفاء ما نقص ، وذلك بعد سماع أقواله ورأي قلم الكتاب .

فإذا قيدت صحيفة الدعوى تنفيذا لأمر القاضي – اعتبرت مقيدة من تاريخ تقديم طلب القيد . ويرسل قلم الكتاب إلي المدعي عليه خلال ثلاثة أيام كتابا موصى عليه بعلم الوصول ، مرفقا به صورة من صحيفة الدعوى  ومن  المذكرة أو الإقرار ، يخطره فيه بقيد الدعوى واسم المعي وطلباته والجلسة المحددة لنظرها ، ويعدوه للإطلاع علي ملف الدعوى وتقديم مستنداته ومذكرة بدفاعه.

The defendant, in all cases except urgent cases in which the date of attendance has been missed, must file a memorandum of his defense with the registry, to which his documents, or copies thereof, are attached under his responsibility at least three days before the scheduled hearing to consider the case. The claim of the validity of the contract for the right of real property rights is not accepted unless its newspaper is famous.

ميعاد الحضور للجلسة حسب درجة المحكمة.  ( مادة 66 )

The attendance date is fifteen days before the court of First Instance and the court of Appeal and eight days before the courts of partial articles , and in case of necessity, these dates may be reversed to three days and to twenty-four hours, respectively. The time limit for attendance in urgent cases is twenty-four hours, and in case of necessity, this time limit may be reversed and made from hour to hour, provided that the same discount is announced, unless the case is one of the maritime cases . The lack of appointments in the advanced cases shall be with the permission of the temporary matters judge and his photo of the opponent shall be announced with the case sheet.

The date of delivery of the pen of the book to the newspaper of the lawsuit for its announcement.

Article. 67 the registry of the writers shall record the lawsuit on the day of the newspaper's submission in the relevant register after it proves in the presence of the plaintiff or his representative the date of the session specified for its consideration of the origin of the newspaper and its photographs.

The writer's Pen must, at the latest the next day, hand over the original of the newspaper and its photographs to the bailiffs ' pen for its announcement and return the original to him.      

However, it is permissible, in the absence of recovery claims and enforcement problems, to hand over to the plaintiff – when requested – the original of the newspaper and its photographs to be submitted to the registry of the bailiffs to declare it and return the original to the plaintiff to return it to the registry of the book .

ميعاد إعلان قلم المحضرين لصحيفة الدعوى.  ( مادة 68 )

علي قلم المحضرين أن يقوم بإعلان صحيفة الدعوى خلال ثلاثين يوما علي الأكثر من تاريخ تسليمها إليه إذا كان قد حدد لنظر الدعوى  جلسة تقع في أثناء هذا الميعاد فعندئذ يجب أن يتم الإعلان قبل الجلسة ، وذلك كله مع مراعاة ميعاد الحضور . وتحكم المحكمة المرفوعة إليها الدعوى  علي من تسبب من العاملين بقلم الكتاب أو المحضرين بإهماله في تأخير الإعلان بغرامة لا تقل عن عشرين جنيها ولا تجاوز مائتي جنيه ولا يكون الحكم بها قابلا لأي طعن. ولا تعتبر الخصومة منعقدة في الدعوى إلا بإعلان صحيفتها إلي المدعي عليه ما لم يحضر بالجلسة .

مواعيد تمام الإعلان مواعيد تنظيمية لا ترتب بطلاناً.  ( مادة 69 )

 Non-observance of the deadline established in the previous article does not entail the invalidity of the announcement of the lawsuit sheet .

Also, invalidity does not result from non-observance of the attendance dates, without prejudice to the advertiser's right to postpone to complete the appointment.

الحكم باعتبار الدعوى كأن لم تكن إذا لم تعلن خلال 3 شهور  ( مادة 70  )

يجوز بناء علي طلب المدعى عليه ، اعتبار الدعوى كأن لم تكن إذا لم يتم تكليف المدعي عليه بالحضور في خلال  ثلاثة أشهر من تاريخ تقديم الصحيفة إلي قلم الكتاب ، وكان ذلك راجعا إلي فعل المدعى.

ميعاد الحضور أمام محكمة الموضوع  ( مادة 72 )

On the day appointed for the hearing of the case, the litigants themselves or their lawyers are present on their behalf, and the court may accept on their behalf those who are entrusted by their spouses, relatives or in-laws to the third degree.

حضور وكيل المدعي أو المدعي علية حضور صحيح قانوناً  ( مادة 73  )

 The agent must decide to appear on behalf of his client and prove his agency about him in accordance with the provisions of the law on advocacy .the court May, if necessary, authorize the agent to prove his agency at a date determined by him, provided that this is done at the pleading session at the latest.

مكتب المحامي  موطن لوكيله معتبر في إعلان الأوراق اللازمة لسير الدعوى  ( مادة 74 )

 As soon as the power of attorney is issued by one of the opponents, the home of his agent is considered in the announcement of the necessary papers for the conduct of the case in the degree of litigation the principal is in. An adversary who does not have an agent in the country where the court is based shall have a domicile there. Any restriction contained in the power of attorney, unlike the above, is not invoked against the other opponent .

 ميعاد تجديد الدعوى من الشطب  ( مادة 82)  

If neither the defendant nor the defendant is present, the court will rule on the case if it is valid to rule in it, otherwise it will decide to cancel it if sixty days have elapsed and none of the opponents has asked to proceed with it . Or the parties did not attend after the walk in which it was considered that they were not .

The court adjudicates the case if the defendant, the plaintiffs or some of them are absent at the preliminary hearing and the defendant is present .



إيداع الخصم مذكرة بالدفاع يجعل الخصومة حضورية  ( مادة 83 )

If the defendant appears at any hearing or files a memorandum of his defense, the dispute will be deemed to be present against him, even if he fails after that .

 The defendant may not make new requests at the hearing at which his opponent has failed, or amend, increase or decrease the initial requests, nor May the defendant, in the absence of the plaintiff, request to be sentenced with an application.

ميعاد إعادة الإعلان  ( مادة 84 )

 If the defendant has failed alone in the initial hearing and the case sheet has been announced to a person, the court will rule on the case, if it has not been announced to a person, the court will rule on the case, if it has not been announced to a person, the court will have to postpone the consideration of the case to a .

If there are several defendants, some of whom have been announced to a person, others have not been announced to a person, and they are all absent, or those who have not been announced to a person are absent, the court must, in non-urgent cases, postpone the consideration of the case to a next hearing, at which the plaintiff declares those who have not been announced to a person absent .

 The verdict in the case is considered an adversarial judgment against all the defendants.

In the application of the provisions of this article, the declaration of a public or private legal person in his administrative center or in the state issues body, as the case may be, shall be considered a declaration of his person .

ميعاد إعلان صحيفة الدعوى إعلانا صحيحاً  ( مادة 85  )

If, in the absence of the defendant, the court finds that his advertisement in the newspaper is invalid, it must postpone the case to a next hearing to which a valid advertisement will be announced through the mediation of his opponent .

If the invalidity is due to the act of the plaintiff, he must be fined with a fine not less than fifty pounds and not exceeding five hundred pounds .

ميعاد اعتبار الحكم كأن لم يصدر.  ( مادة 86 )

If the absent opponent is present before the end of the hearing, I consider every sentence passed on him as if it were not .

ميعاد تقديم النيابة العامة لمذكرتها  ( مادة 93 )  

The prosecution, upon its request, shall be granted at least seven days to submit a memorandum of its statements .

This date starts from the day on which the case file is sent to her, including the documents of the opponents and their memoirs .

ميعاد تدخل النيابة العامة  ( مادة 94 )  

The intervention of the prosecution shall be in any case in which the case was before the closing of the pleading door.

أخر ميعاد لتقديم المذكرات  ( مادة 95 )  

In all cases in which the prosecution is an acceding party, the opponents, after submitting their statements and requests, may not request to speak or submit new memos, but they may submit to the court a written statement to correct the facts stated by the prosecution .

 However, in exceptional cases in which the court considers new documents or supplementary notes to be admissible, it may authorize their submission and the re-examination of the case, the prosecution being the last to speak.


متي يجوز للنيابة العامة استئناف الأحكام غير الجنائية  ( مادة 96 )

The public prosecution may appeal the verdict in cases where the law requires or permits its intervention if the verdict violates a rule of Public Order or if the law provides for it .

Prohibition of adjournment of the case for more than one hearing

Article 98 the case may not be postponed more than once for one reason due to one of the opponents, provided that the period of postponement does not exceed three weeks.

ميعاد وإجراءات التدخل في دعوي منظورة  ( مادة 126  )

Each interested party may intervene in the case by joining one of the opponents or seeking judgment for himself with a request related to the case. Intervention shall be by the usual procedures for filing the case before the day of the hearing or by a request to be presented orally at the hearing in their presence and confirmed in its minutes.intervention shall not be accepted after the closing of the pleading door.

ميعاد وقف الخصومة اتفاقياً  ( مادة 128)

 The case may be discontinued based on the agreement of the opponents not to proceed with it for a period not exceeding three months from the date of court approval of their agreement, but this suspension shall not have effect at any time until the law has determined it for some procedure . If the case is not expedited within eight days following the end of the deadline, the plaintiff is considered to have abandoned his claim and the appellant is considered to have abandoned his appeal .

ميعاد وقف الدعوى جزائيا :  ( مادة 129 )

فى غير الأحوال التى نص فيها القانون على  وقف الدعوى وجوبا أو جوازا يكون للمحكمة أن تأمر بوقفها كلما رأت تعليق حكمها فى موضوعها على الفصل فى مسألة أخرى يتوقف عليها الحكم . بمجرد زوال سبب الوقف يكون للخصم تعجيل الدعوى.

ميعاد تجديد  انقطاع سير الخصومة :  ( مادة 130 )

The course of the dispute shall be interrupted by virtue of the law by the death of one of the opponents, or by his loss of the capacity to dispute, or by the disappearance of the status of the one who was initiating the dispute from the deputies, unless the case has been prepared for judgment on its subject .

However, if one of the litigants requests a deadline to declare who is taking the place of the opponent in respect of whom the reason for the interruption has been investigated, the court must – before ruling on the interruption of the conduct of the litigation – to instruct him to declare within a period specified for him, and if he does not do it during this period without excuse, the court ruled the interruption of the conduct of the litigation since the cause was investigated .

 The court may grant an appropriate period to the opponent whose agent has died or whose agency has expired if he has initiated and appointed a new agent for him within fifteen days following the expiration of the first agency .

متي تعتبر الدعوى مهيأة للحكم فيها :  ( مادة 131 )

The case is considered to be ready for judgment on its subject matter if the opponents have made their closing statements and requests at the pleading session before death, loss of the adversarial capacity, or the disappearance of the status .

استئناف سير الدعوى  ( مادة 133)  

The lawsuit resumes its course with a newspaper announcing to the person who takes the place of the opponent who has died or lost his eligibility for the deduction or his status has been removed, at the request of the other party, or with a newspaper announcing to this party at the request of those . The case will also resume its course if the deceased's heir, or the person acting in the place of the person who has lost the capacity to dispute, or the person whose status has been removed from him, attends the hearing that was scheduled for consideration and proceeds to proceed with it .


طلب الحكم بسقوط الخصومة  ( مادة 134 )

Each interested party of the litigants, in case of failure to proceed with the lawsuit by the plaintiff's action or his omission, may request the ruling on the termination of the litigation once six months have elapsed from the last valid procedure of litigation .

ميعاد انقضاء الخصومة  ( مادة 140 )

In all cases, the discount expires two years after the last valid procedure in it. However, the provision of the previous paragraph does not apply to the appeal in Cassation.

ميعاد ترك الخصومة  ( مادة 141 )

The abandonment of the dispute shall be by a declaration from the leaver to his opponent by a record or by an explicit statement in a memorandum signed by the leaver or by his agent with the knowledge of the opponent thereof or by making it orally at the hearing and proving it in the record.

ميعاد وإجراءات رد القاضي  ( مادة 154 )

If the response is in the right of a judge who sat for the first time to hear the case in the presence of the opponents, he may respond with a note delivered to the clerk of the hearing .

The respondent must support the request by writing the book on the same day or the next day, otherwise the right to it will lapse.

 ميعاد رفع تقرير الرد  ( مادة 155 )

The Registrar of the court must submit the response report to its president, accompanied by a statement of the requests for response in the case and what was done in it, all within twenty-four hours.the president must inform the judge who is required to respond to the report immediately, and send a copy of it to the prosecution.

ميعاد كتابة القاضي الرد علي وقائع ردة وأسبابه  ( مادة  156  )

The judge whose response is requested must respond in writing to the facts of the response and its reasons within the four days following his notification . If the reasons are legally valid and the judge who is required to respond does not answer them on time, or recognizes them in his answer, the president of the court issues an order to step down .

إجراءات خاصة للرد  ( مادة 157 )

In cases other than those provided for in the previous article, the following measures shall be taken .

(A) if the request is made by a judge of the lower or lower courts, the president of the court of first instance shall send the papers to the president of the competent court of Appeal on the day following the expiration of the deadline . The president of the competent court shall notify the other litigants in the original case of the hearing scheduled to consider the request for restitution in order to submit any requests they may have for restitution in accordance with the text of the last paragraph of Article 152 .

 (B) the competent Registry shall notify the remaining litigants in the original case of the hearing scheduled for the consideration of the request for restitution in order to submit any requests they may have for restitution in accordance with the text of the last paragraph of Article 152 .

(C) the department that considers the request for response shall investigate the request in the counseling room and then judge it, no later than one month from the date of the report, after hearing the statements of the applicant for response, the judge's remarks if necessary or if requested, and the representative of the prosecution if it interferes in the case, and in the investigation of the request To him ..

(D) the decision issued in the response request shall be read out with its reasons in a public hearing .the response request of one of the advisers of the court considering the response request shall not be accepted, and its submission shall not result in stopping the consideration of the response request.

 In all cases, the decision to reject the request for response may not be appealed except with an appeal against the decision issued in the original case .

 ميعاد النطق بالحكم  ( مادة 171 )

After the end of the argument, the court may pronounce the judgment at the hearing, and it may postpone its issuance to another session soon to be determined by it . If the court authorizes the submission of memos during the period of booking the case for judgment, it must set a date for the defendant, followed by a date for the defendant to exchange them, by announcing them, or by depositing the original and photos of the number of opponents or their agents, as the case may be, and an additional photo will be returned to the Depositor after marking it from the book pen by receiving the original and photos and the date of that .

It is not allowed to withdraw documents from the file if the judgment is challenged, or before the expiration of the appeal dates, unless ordered otherwise by the president of the court .

ميعاد إيداع أسباب الحكم  ( مادة 175 )

In all cases, the draft judgment containing the reasons signed by the president and the judges must be deposited at the time of pronouncing the judgment, otherwise the judgment is invalid, and the person causing the invalidity is obliged to compensate if there is a face .

ميعاد حفظ ملف القضايا  ( مادة 179 )

The original copy of the judgment, including the facts of the case, the reasons and the operative part, shall be signed by the chairman and the clerk of the hearing and kept in the case file within twenty-four hours from the filing of the draft in urgent cases and seven days in other cases, otherwise the person causing the delay is obliged to compensate .

ميعاد التظلم  ( مادة 190 )

Each of the opponents may complain about the order referred to in the previous article, and the grievance is obtained in front of the record when the assessment order is announced or by a report in the registry of the court that issued the judgment, within eight days following the announcement of the order, and the record or Registry of the book, depending on the The specified day is three days.

إجراءات نظر التظلم  ( مادة 198 )

The grievance may be filed according to the original case in any case, even during the pleading at the hearing. The judge shall rule on the appeal by upholding the order, amending it or canceling it, and his ruling shall be subject to the methods of Appeal prescribed for the judgments .

ميعاد سقوط الأمر  ( مادة 200 )

The order issued on a petition shall be terminated if it is submitted for execution within thirty days from the date of its issuance and such termination does not prevent the issuance of a new order .

ميعاد إنذار المدين بسداد الدين قبل استصدار أمر الاداء  ( مادة 202  )

على الدائن أن يكلف المدين أولا بالوفاء بميعاد خمسة أيام على الأقل ثم يستصدر أمر بالأداء من قاضي محكمة المواد الجزئية التابع لها موطن المدين أو رئيس الدائرة بالمحكمة الابتدائية حسب الأحوال وذلك ما لم يقبل المدين اختصاص محكمة أخري بالفصل في النزاع ويكفي في التكليف بالوفاء أن يحصل  بكتاب مسجل مع علم الوصول ويقوم بروتستو عدم الدفع مقام هذا التكليف.

ميعاد إصدار القاضي للأمر علي العريضة  ( مادة  203 )

The order for performance is issued based on a petition submitted by the creditor or his agent, to which the debt deed is attached and proof that the assignment to fulfill it has been obtained.

The petition must be drawn up in two identical copies and include the facts of the application, its supporting documents, the debtor's full name and place of residence, and the supporting documents are attached to it, and the applicant must designate a chosen domicile in the jurisdiction of the court, if he resides outside this department, he had to take a chosen domicile in the town where the seat of the court is located .

 ويجب أن يصدر الأمر على إحدى نسختي العريضة خلال ثلاثة أيام على الأكثر من تقديمها وأن يبين المبلغ الواجب أداؤه من أصل وفوائد أو ما أمر بأدائه من منقول حسب الأحوال وكذا المصاريف .

ميعاد إعلان المدين بأمر الأداء  ( مادة 205 )

The debtor is declared to his person or in his home country by the petition and the order issued against him to perform . The petition and the order issued on it for performance shall be considered as if it were not if it was not declared to the debtor within three months from the date of issuance of the order .

ميعاد تظلم المدين من أمر الأداء  ( مادة 206 )

The debtor may appeal against the order within ten days from the date of its announcement to him, and the appeal shall take place before the court of partial articles or before the court of First Instance, as the cases and taking into account the conditions prescribed for the opening of the case . The complaint must be reasoned, otherwise it is invalid . The date of appeal of the order begins if it is subject to it from the date when it was too late to complain about it or from the date when the grievance was considered as if it was not . The right to appeal against the order is waived if it is directly challenged on appeal .

ميعاد إقامة الحجز التحفظي علي أموال المدين  ( مادة 210 )

If the creditor in the provision of Article 201 wants to seize what the city has with others, and in the cases in which the creditor may obtain an order from the judge for provisional seizure, the seizure order shall be issued by the competent judge to issue the order of performance, as an exception to the provisions of articles 275, 319, 327 . Within eight days of signing the reservation, the creditor must submit a request for performance and validity of the reservation procedures to the said Judge, otherwise the reservation will be considered as if not. In the event of a complaint against the seizure order for a reason related to the origin of the right, the issuance of the performance order shall be refrained and a hearing to consider the case shall be scheduled in accordance with Article 204 .

ميعاد الطعن في الأحكام  ( مادة 213  )

The date of appeal of the judgment begins from the date of its issuance, unless otherwise provided by law . This date starts from the date of the announcement of the verdict to the sentenced person in cases where he has failed to appear at all the sessions scheduled for the consideration of the case and has not submitted a note of his defense before the court or before the expert, if he fails to appear and has not submitted a note to the court or to Of the reasons. The deadline also starts from the date of the announcement of the judgment if there is a reason for the interruption of the dispute and the judgment is issued without the jurisdiction of the person who takes the place of the opponent who died or lost his eligibility for the dispute or his status has disappeared .

The sentence shall be announced to the sentenced person or in his place of origin . The appointment is made in the right of the one who announced the verdict .

سقوط الطعن إذا لم تراعي المواعيد  :  ( مادة 215  )

Failure to observe the dates of appeal of judgments entails the loss of the right to appeal . The court decides the fall on its own.

وقف ميعاد الطعن  ( مادة 216  )

The suspension shall cease only after the announcement of the judgment to the person who takes the place of the opponent who died or lost his eligibility to sue or his status has disappeared and the expiration of the dates determined by the law of the country of the deceased to take the status of the heir, if he was .

قيد الطعن من الخصم  ( مادة 217 )

If the convicted person dies during the time of the appeal, his opponent may file the appeal and announce it to his heirs in a sentence without mentioning their names and attributes, in the last domicile that was for their inheritance .

 When the appeal is filed and announced on the applicant's behalf, it must be re-announced to all heirs with their names and descriptions of their persons or in the home of each of them . Before the scheduled hearing for consideration of the appeal or the date set by the court for this .

 If the sentenced person loses his eligibility to litigate during the time of the appeal, or if he dies or the status of the one who was pursuing the dispute against him disappears , the appeal may be filed and announced to the one who lost his eligibility or the one who died the one who was pursuing the dispute about him, or to the one whose status , Before the scheduled hearing for consideration of the appeal or on the date set by the court for this.


مبدأ نسبية أثر الطعن  ( مادة 218 )

With the exception of the provisions on appeals filed by the public prosecution, the appeal benefits only those who filed it and does not protest against anyone who filed it. However, if the judgment is issued on an indivisible subject, in an obligation of solidarity, or in a case in which the law requires the jurisdiction of certain persons, those who missed the appeal date of the sentenced or before the judgment may challenge it during the consideration of the appeal filed on time by one of his colleagues joining him in his requests, if he does not . If the appeal is filed against one of the sentenced on time, the rest must be shortened, even after it is too late for them. The guarantor and the applicant of the guarantee also benefit from the appeal filed by either of them in the judgment issued in the original lawsuit, as they take their defense in it, and if an appeal is filed against either, the other may be reduced in it.

ميعاد الاستئناف  ( مادة 227 )

The appeal date is forty days unless otherwise provided by law. The deadline is five days in urgent matters, regardless of the court that issued the verdict. The date of Appeal shall be sixty days for the attorney general or his substitute.

ميعاد الطعن إذا صدر الحم بناء علي غش أو تدليس أو تزوير  ( مادة 228 )

If the verdict is issued based on a fraud signed by the opponent, based on a forged paper, based on a false certificate, or because of the failure to show a conclusive paper in the case that the opponent has detained, the date of his appeal does not start until the day on which the fraud appeared, or on which he admitted to the forgery he committed, or The paper that was seized.

ميعاد ضم الدعوى المستأنف حكمها  ( مادة 231 )

The registry of the court clerk to whom the appeal is filed shall request the inclusion of the file of the primary case the day after the day on which the appeal is filed .  

The registry of the court that issued the verdict must send the case file within ten days at most from the date of his request, and this time is reduced to three days in urgent cases, and the appellate court will sentence those who neglect to request the file to be included or to send it on time with a fine of not less than twenty pounds and not exceeding two hundred pounds by an unappealable verdict .

ميعاد التماس إعادة النظر – الإجراءات  ( مادة 242  )

The deadline for the petition is forty days . In the cases provided for in the first four paragraphs of the previous article, it shall not start except from the day on which the fraud appeared, or on which the fraud was admitted to have been committed or was judged proven, or on which the perjury witness was sentenced, or on the day on which the detained paper appeared. The appointment begins in the case provided for in the seventh paragraph from the day on which the verdict is announced to the one who correctly represents the convicted person. The appointment begins in the case provided for in the eighth paragraph from the day on which fraud, collusion or gross negligence appeared. Cassation appeal deadline Article 252 the cassation appeal deadline is sixty days .

 This deadline shall not apply to the appeal filed by the public prosecutor in the interest of the law in accordance with the provision of Article 250 .

ميعاد اطلاع المدعي علية علي صحيفة الدعوى  ( مادة 255  )

The appellant must deposit the court's clerk's pen at the time of submitting the newspaper, photos, including the number of the challenged against them, a photo of the clerk's pen, the power of attorney of the lawyer assigned to the appeal, and a note explaining the reasons for his appeal, and he must attach the documents supporting the appeal, unless the case file This indicates that the court may take whatever it sees in order to view these documents .

If the Appeal newspaper has been deposited by the registry of the court that issued the judgment, its registry must send all the papers related to the appeal to the court of Cassation the day after the submission of the newspaper .

 ويجب على قلم كتاب محكمة النقض أن يطلب  خلال يومين من إيداع صحيفة الطعن به أو وصلها إليه ضم ملف القضية بجميع مفرداته، وعلى قلم كتاب المحكمة التى أصدرت الحكم أن يرسل الملف خلال سبعة أيام على الأكثر من تاريخ طلبه .

ميعاد قيد الطعن بالنقض – إعلان صحيفة الطعن بالنقض  ( مادة 256 )

The registry of the court of Cassation shall record the appeal on the day of submission of the newspaper or its arrival to it in the special register for this . He must, at the latest the next day, hand over the original of the newspaper and its photographs to the bailiffs 'registry for its announcement and return the original to the writers' registry . The registry of bailiffs must announce the appeal sheet within thirty days at the latest from the date of its delivery to it . Failure to observe this deadline does not entail the invalidity of the announcement of the Appeal newspaper .

ميعاد إيداع الخصم مذكرة بالدفاع أمام محكمة النقض  ( مادة 258 )

If the defendant in the appeal begins to present a defense, he must deposit the registry of the court of Cassation within fifteen days from the date of his announcement in the Appeal newspaper a memorandum of his defense accompanied by the power of attorney of the lawyer entrusted to him and the documents that he considers to submit .

 If he does so, the appellant may also, within fifteen days of the expiration of the said deadline, deposit a note with the documents that he considers to be submitted in support of the response .

In the case of a plurality of defendants, each of them shall, if necessary, file a memorandum of reply to the memorandum submitted by the other defendants within the last fifteen days, accompanied by a power of attorney for the lawyer assigned to him . If the appellant uses his right of reply, the defendants have fifteen more days to file a note with their observations on the reply .

ميعاد إدخال خصم جديد في الطعن بالنقض  ( مادة 259 )

The defendants in the appeal May, before the expiration of the time stipulated in the first paragraph of the previous article, enter into the appeal any opponent in the case in which the appealed judgment was issued who was not appealed to, and his entry shall be by announcing the appeal . Anyone who has entered may file a memorandum of his defense with the court of Cassation within fifteen days from the date of his announcement, accompanied by the documents that he considers to be submitted .in this case, the response dates stipulated in the third and fourth second paragraphs of the previous article shall not apply until after the expiration of the aforementioned fifteen days.

ميعاد إخطار محامي الخصوم بإيداع الخصوم للمذكرات  ( مادة 264 )

The pen of the book notifies the lawyers of the opponents who have filed their memoirs on the date of the specified hearing at least fifteen days before its holding, in a recommended book, and the case is included in the session schedule .

The schedule shall be stuck in the pen of the book at least fifteen days before the session and shall remain suspended for the entire said period .

الإعلان قبل التنفيذ – الإعلان – ما يتضمنه – الأثر المترتب علية  ( مادة 281 )  

The execution must be preceded by the declaration of the executive deed to the debtor's person or in his place of origin, otherwise it is invalid . This declaration must include the assignment of the debtor to fulfill the required Statement and the appointment of a chosen home for the applicant for execution in the town where the competent enforcement court is located .

When initiating the execution of an official contract by opening a credit, an extract from the debtor's account from the commercial books of creditors must be declared with him .

Execution may be carried out only after at least one day has elapsed from the announcement of the executive bond.

ميعاد الإعلان بالسند التنفيذي  ( مادة 284 )

If the debtor dies or loses his eligibility or the status of the person who initiates the proceedings on his behalf before the start of execution or before its completion in the execution may be accepted by his heirs or his substitute only after the lapse of eight days from the date of their announcement of the executive deed . Before the expiration of three months from the date of the debtor's death, the papers related to the execution may be announced to his heirs wholesale in the last domicile of their heirs without specifying their names and attributes .

ميعاد الإعلان بالعزم علي التنفيذ  ( مادة 285 )

A third party may not perform the required under the executive bond nor be forced to perform it only after the debtor announces the intention to such execution at least eight days before its occurrence .

ميعاد المنازعة في اقتدار الكفيل  ( مادة 295 )

Within three days following this announcement, the ability of the sponsor or the custodian or the adequacy of what is deposited may be disputed, provided that the dispute claim is announced within this time by instructing the opponent to appear before the competent enforcement judge and be the arbiter of the dispute once and for all .

If the dispute is not submitted on time or submitted and refused to take the guarantor in the pen of the book The Pledge of sponsorship or the custodian must accept custody, and the minutes containing the Pledge of the guarantor shall serve as an executive bond before the obligations arising from his pledge.

 تحديد المحضر ميعادا لنظر الإشكال  ( مادة 312 )

If forms are presented at the time of execution and a temporary procedure is required, the bailiff may suspend the execution or proceed with it as a precaution, with the assignment of the opponents in both cases to appear before the execution Judge, even an hour later and at his home if necessary .it is sufficient to prove that this assignment occurred in the record with regard to the filing of the forms.

In all cases, execution may not be carried out before the judge issues his verdict .

The Registrar shall edit copies of his minutes as many as the number of liabilities and a copy of the book pen to which the execution papers and documents submitted by the user shall be attached and the book pen shall record the forms on the day of delivery of the photo to him in the special register .

The obligated party to the executive deed must be reduced to the problem if it is raised by others, whether by showing it in front of the minutes as indicated in the first paragraph or by the usual procedures for filing a lawsuit.if he does not shorten the problem, the court must assign the Inquirer his jurisdiction on a date set for him, if he does not carry out what the court ordered, the ruling may not accept the problem.

The submission of any other forms shall not entail a stay of execution unless the execution judge decides to suspend.

The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the first forms of the amount of exchange committed in the executive bond if it has not been shortened in the previous form. The date of the announcement of the barrier to the detainee with the booking record and the order issued within eight days at the latest from the date of signing, otherwise it is considered as if not.

Article 320

In the provisional seizure of movable property, the rules and procedures stipulated in the first chapter of Part Three of this book shall be followed, except for those related to determining the day of sale . The detainee must be informed by the checkpoint of the booking record and the order issued if it has not been announced before, within eight days at the latest from the date of signing, otherwise it is considered as if it was not .

In cases where the seizure is by order of the enforcement judge, the checkpoint must, within eight days referred to in the previous paragraph, file a lawsuit before the competent court to prove the right of seizure, otherwise the seizure will be considered as if it was not.

 ميعاد إبلاغ الحجز الي المحجوز علية  ( مادة 332)

 The booking shall be notified to the detainee of the same booking sheet after it has been announced to the detainee with the designation of a chosen place of residence for the detainee in the town where the seat of the court located in the district is the home of the detainee .

 The reservation must be notified eight days after its announcement to the person who has booked it, otherwise the reservation will be considered as if it was not.

ميعاد رفع دعوي ثبوت الحق وصحة الحجز  ( مادة 333 )

In cases where the detention is ordered by the enforcement judge, the checkpoint must, within eight days referred to in the previous article, file a lawsuit before the competent court to prove the right and validity of the detention, otherwise the detention will be considered as if it was not . If the debt claim was previously filed in another court, the claim for the validity of the seizure was submitted to the same court for consideration together .

ميعاد إعلان قلم الكتاب الحاجز والمحجوز عليه بحصول الإيداع  ( مادة 337 )

The booking shall remain on the amounts deposited to the court Treasury pursuant to the provision of the previous article and on the registry of the book to inform the barrier and the detainee of the receipt of the deposit within three days by a registered letter accompanied by a receipt flag .

The deposit must be accompanied by a signed statement from the person booked with the reservations that were signed under his hand, the dates of their announcement, the names of the reservations and the booked, their descriptions, the home of each of them, the bonds under which the reservations were signed and the amounts for which they were booked .

 This deposit is exempt from the report, including the receivable, if the amount deposited is sufficient to meet the barrier's debt, and if a new reservation is signed on the deposited amount and it becomes insufficient, the barrier may entrust the detainee with the report, including his receivable, within fifteen days from the day he was assigned that .

 ميعاد الإعلان بالتقرير بما في الذمة  ( مادة 341 )

If the detainee dies, loses his eligibility, or his status or the status of his representative disappears, the detainee may declare the heirs of the detainee or the person acting in his place with a copy of the booking sheet and assign him the report, including the due date, within fifteen days .

إعلان المدين بتوقيع الدائن الحجز تحت يد نفسه  ( مادة 349 )

The creditor may sign the attachment under his own hand on what he owes to his debtor, and the attachment shall be by a declaration to the debtor that includes the data to be mentioned in the attachment notification sheet .

In cases where the seizure is ordered by the enforcement judge, the checkpoint must, within eight days following the announcement of the debtor of the seizure, file a claim before the competent court to prove the right and validity of the seizure, otherwise the seizure is considered as if it were not .

ميعاد وإجراءات الحجز تحت يد المصالح الحكومية  ( مادة 350  )

A reservation placed under the control of one of the government departments, local administrative units, public bodies, public institutions, companies and associations affiliated to them shall have effect only for a period of three years from the date of its announcement, unless the barrier booked with it announces during this period the retention of the reservation .

If such a declaration does not take place or if it is not renewed every three years, the booking shall be deemed as if no matter what procedures, agreements or provisions have been made or issued in respect of it. The said three-year period for the treasury of the court shall commence only from the date of deposit of the amounts withheld therefrom .

ميعاد الحجز علي الثمار والمزروعات  ( مادة 354 )

Neither connected fruits nor existing plantings may be reserved more than forty-five days before their ripening .

The subject of the land, the name of the basin, the Lot Number, its area and boundaries, the type of plantings or the type of trees, their number, what is expected to be harvested, harvested or produced from them and its approximate value must be indicated in the record accurately.

ميعاد المدين بمحضر الحجز  ( مادة  362 )

If the seizure took place in the presence of the debtor or in his home country, a copy of the minutes shall be handed over to him in the manner set out in Article 10 .if the seizure took place in a non-home country and in his absence, it must be announced in the minutes the next day at the latest.

ميعاد اعتبار الحجز كأن لم يكن  ( مادة 375 )  

The seizure shall be considered as if not if the sale has not been completed within three months from the date of its signing, unless the sale has been stopped by the agreement of the liabilities, by a court ruling or by virtue of the law . However, it may not be agreed to postpone the sale for a period exceeding three months from the date of the agreement. The enforcement judge may, if necessary, order an extension of the deadline for a period not exceeding three months.

ميعاد إجراء البيع  ( مادة 376 )

The sale may not be made until at least eight days have elapsed from the date of delivery of the copy of the booking record to the debtor or its announcement thereof and may not be made until at least one day has elapsed from the date of completion of the pasting and publication procedures . However, if the reserved items are subject to damage or the goods are subject to price fluctuations, the enforcement judge may order the sale from hour to hour based on a petition submitted by the guard or a concerned person.

ميعاد الإعلان إذا كان البيع أي معدن   ( مادة 380 )

Before the sale of jewelry or ingots of gold, silver or any precious metal and the sale of jewelry and precious stones, if the estimated value exceeds twenty thousand pounds, the announcement of the sale must be published in one of the daily newspapers scheduled to publish judicial announcements before the day of sale.

ميعاد البيع  ( مادة 383 )

If the sale did not take place on the appointed day in the booking record, re-pasted and published in the manner indicated in the previous materials and the reserved person was announced with the affixed certificate of pasting at least one day before the sale.

ميعاد التنبيه بنزع ملكية العقار كمقدمة للتنفيذ  ( مادة 401 )

The execution begins with the announcement of the notice of expropriation of the property to the debtor for his person or for his home, including the following data :

  1. بيان نوع السند التنفيذي وتاريخه ومقدار الدين المطلوب الوفاء به وتاريخ إعلان السند .
  2. أعذار المدين بأنه إذا لم يدفع الدين يسجل التنبيه ويباع عله العقار جبراً .
  3. وصف العقار مع بيان موقعه ومساحته وحدوده وأرقام القطع وأسماء الأحواض وأرقامها التى يقع فيها وغير ذلك مما يفيد فى تعيينه وذلك بالتطبيق لقانون الشهر العقاري. وللدائن أن يستصدر بعريضة أمر بالترخيص للمحضر بدخول العقار للحصول على البيانات اللازمة لوصف العقار ومشتملا ته . وله أن يستصحب من يعاونه فى ذلك ولا يجوز التظلم من هذا الأمر .
  4. تعيين موطن مختار للدائن المباشر للإجراءات فى البلدة التى بها مقر محكمة التنفيذ .

If the warning sheet does not contain statements 1, 3 of this article, it is invalid. If the execution on a mortgaged property is carried out by a non-debtor, the alert is declared to the current one after the debtor has been assigned to fulfill in accordance with Article 281. Article 413 if it turns out that an alarm has already been registered for the owner of the same property, the provisions of articles 402 and 403 shall be applied, and if the alarm registration has fallen, the alarm registration has fallen accordingly .

Article 414

 The person who initiates the proceedings shall file the list of conditions of sale with the registry of the execution court within ninety days from the date of registration of the expropriation notice, otherwise the registration of the notice shall be considered as if not. This list should include the following data :

  1. بيان السند التنفيذي الذي حصل التنبيه بمقتضاه .
  2. تاريخ التنبيه وتاريخ وإنذار الحائز إن وجد ورقمي تسجيلهما وتاريخه.
  3. تعيين العقارات المبينة فى التنبيه مع بيان موقعها وحدودها ومساحتها ورقم القطعة واسم الحوض ورقمه وغير ذلك من البيانات التى تفيد فى تعيينها .
  4. شروط البيع والثمن الأساسي. ويكون تحديد هذا الثمن وفقاً للفقرة الأولى من المادة 37

. 5   تجزئة العقار إلى صفقات إن كان لذلك محل مع ذكر الثمن الأساسي لكل صفقة.       

The date of the objections hearing and the date of the sale hearing shall be specified in the minutes of the filing .

ميعاد إعلان المدين والحائز والكفيل بقائمة شروط البيع للعقار  ( مادة 417 )

The registry of the book must, within the fifteen days following the filing of the list of conditions of sale, inform the debtor, the holder, the guarantor in kind, creditors who have registered their alerts and creditors with restricted rights before registering the alert .

 The minutes that announced the news sheet and notified the Office of the month of its receipt within the following eight days for reference on the margin of registration of the alert, and the creditors referred to in the previous paragraph become a party to the proceedings from the date of this indication .

Registrations and visas related to the proceedings may then be cancelled only with the consent of all such creditors or by virtue of final judgments against them .

ميعاد تسجيل الاعتراضات علي قائمة شروط البيع  ( مادة 419 )

The minutes of the filing of the list of conditions of sale for the consideration of objections shall specify the first session to be dissolved after the expiration of thirty days from the date of expiration of the date referred to in Article 417, and the period between this session and the sale session shall not be less than thirty days and not more than sixty days, if no objections .

ميعاد الإعلان عن إيداع القائمة  ( مادة 421 )  

The book registry announces the filing of the list by publishing it in one of the daily newspapers scheduled for judicial announcements and by commenting on the Billboard prepared for announcements in the court, within eight following the latest news of the filing of the list. The minutes of the comment and a copy of the newspaper shall be filed with the implementation file within eight days following the filing. And everyone can look at the list of conditions of sale in the pen of the book without transferring it from it.

 ميعاد رسو المزاد عي بيع العقار  ( مادة 439 )

If one or more buyers apply at the sale hearing, the judge approves the bid immediately at the hearing for the one who submitted the largest offer and the offer that is not increased within three minutes is considered the end of the auction.

تحديد جلسة جديد للبيع  ( مادة 441 )

كل حكم يصدر بتأجيل البيع يجب أن يشتمل على تحديد جلسة لإجرائه في تاريخ يقع بعد ثلاثين يوما وقبل ستين يوما من يوم الحكم. ويعاد الإعلان عن المبيع في الميعاد وبالإجراءات المنصوص عليها في المواد 428 ، 429 ، 430.  فإذا كانت التأجيل البيع فد سبقه اعتماد عطاء وجب أن يشتمل الإعلان أيضا على البيانات الآتي ذكرها :

  1. بيان إجمالي بالعقارات التي أعتمد عطاؤها.
  2. اسم من اعتمد عطاؤه ومهنته وموطنه الأصلي أو المختار.
  3. الثمن الذي أعتمد به العطاء.

ميعاد تسجيل الحكم بإيقاع البيع  ( مادة 447 )

The registry of the book Shall, on behalf of the concerned persons, request the registration of the judgment with the rhythm of the sale within three days following its issuance. The registered judgment shall be a deed of ownership of the person who signed the sale . However, only the rights of the debtor, the holder or the guarantor in kind to the sold property shall be transferred to him.

مخالفة ميعاد إيداع قائمة شروط البيع  ( مادة 452)  

If the person initiating the proceedings does not deposit the list of conditions of sale within forty-five days following the registration of the last notification he made, the subsequent creditor in the registration may deposit the list and replace him in the follow-up of the proceedings.

 The person who initiates the proceedings must deposit the paperwork of the proceedings within three days after being notified of this by a bailiff, otherwise he will be responsible for compensation and the expenses of the person who initiates the proceedings will not be refunded until after the sale. Legal dates and periods in zuwain3 the law of proof according to the latest legislative amendments the expert is appointed directly to the burdens of the charging bailiff Article 3 if the court has assigned one of its judges to start a procedure of proof, it must set a time limit not exceeding three weeks to start this procedure announcement of the sentences issued by the Declare the issued orders to set the date of the evidentiary procedure otherwise it is invalid .

ويكون الإعلان بناء علي طلب قلم الكتاب بميعاد يومين ميعاد الطعن بالتزوير  –

ميعاد الإعلان بشواهد التزوير  ( مادة 49 )

يكون الادعاء بالتزوير في أية حالة تكون عليها الدعوى بتقرير في قلم الكتاب  ، وتبين في هذا التقرير كل مواضع التزوير وألا يكون باطلا . ويجب أن يعلن مدعي التزوير خصمه في الثمانية أيام التالية للتقرير بمذكرة يبين فيها شواهد التزوير وإجراءات التحقيق التي يرغب اثباته لها ، وإلا جاز الحكم بسقوط ادعائه .

ميعاد اطلاع الخبير علي  المستندات المقدمة في الدعوى  ( مادة 138 )

في اليوميين التاليين لإيداع الأمانة يدعو  قلم الكتاب الخبير بكتاب مسجل ليطلع علي الأوراق المودعة بغير أن يتسلمها ما لم تأذن له المحكمة أو الخصوم في ذلك ويتسلم صورة من الحكم  .

 ميعاد طلب الخبير إعفائه من المأمورية  ( مادة 140 )

للخبير خلال الخمسة أيام التالية لتاريخ تسلمه صورة الحكم من قلم الكتاب أن يطلب إغفاءة من أداء مأمور يته ولرئيس الدائرة التي  عينته أو القاضي الذي عينه أن يعفيه منها إذا رأي أن الأسباب التي أبداها لذلك مقبولة .

In urgent cases, the court may decide in its judgment the same date, if the expert has not performed the task and has not been exempted from its performance, the court that assigned him May sentence him to the expenses that he caused to be spent uselessly and to compensation if there is a place for it, without prejudice to disciplinary sanctions

ميعاد رد الخبير  ( مادة 142 )

The request for a response shall be made by instructing the expert to appear before the court or the judge appointed by him within three days following the date of the judgment, if this judgment has been issued in the presence of the respondent, otherwise in the three days following the announcement of the operative judgment to him .

ميعاد مباشرة الخبير لمامؤريته  ( مادة 146 )

علي الخبير أن يحدد لبدء عمله تاريخا لا يجاوز الخمسة عشرة يوما التالية للتكليف  المذكورة في المادة 138 وعليه أن يدعوا الخصوم يكتب مسجلة ترسل قبل التاريخ بسبعة أيام علي الأقل يخبرهم فيها بمكـان أول اجتماع ويومه و ساعته .

وفي حالات الاستعجال يجوز أن ينص في الحكم علي مباشرة العمل في الثلاثة أيام التالية لتاريخ التكليف بالحضور المذكور علي الأكثر ، وعندئذ يدعي الخصوم بإشارة برقية ترسل قبل الاجتماع الأول بأربع وعشرين ساعة علي الأقل .  وفي حالة الاستعجال  القصوى يجوز أن ينص في الحكم علي مباشرة المأمورية فورا . ودعوة الخصوم بإشارة برقية للخصوم في الحال ويترتب علي عدم دعوة الخصوم بطلان عمل الخبير .

ميعاد إيداع الخبير لتقريره  – إخطار الخصوم  ( مادة 151 )

يودع الخبير تقريره ومحاضر أعماله قلم الكتاب ويودع كذلك جميع الأوراق الي سلمت إلية ، فإذا كان مكان المحكمة المن

أولا : المواعيد والمدد القانونية فى قانون الأحوال الشخصية المرسوم بقانون رقم 25 لسنة 1929 المعدل بالقانون رقم 100 لسنة 1985م .

The date of notarization of the divorce certificate (Article 5 BIS)

The divorcee has to notarize a divorce certificate with the competent notary within thirty days of the rhythm of the divorce .

If she does not attend, the notary must declare the divorce to her person by a bailiff, and the notary must hand over the copy of the divorce certificate to the divorcee or her representative in accordance with the procedures issued by the decision of the minister of Justice

المهلة المحددة للحكمين(  المادة 8 )

(1) the decision to send the two sentences includes the beginning and the end of a bailiff who is accused of not exceeding a period of six months and the court notifies the two sentences and the opponent of this, and it must swear by each of the two referees to perform his task fairly and honestly

(2) the court may grant the two judges another time limit once, not exceeding three months, if they do not submit their report and are deemed to disagree .

ميعاد اعتراض الزوجة علي الإنذار بالطاعة الموجة إليها من الزوج  ( المادة 11 مكرر ثانيا )

If the wife refrains from obeying the husband without the right, the wife's alimony shall be stopped from the date of abstention

She is considered to be unjustly abstinent if she does not return to the marital home after the husband invites her to return with a declaration by a bailiff for her person or her representative, and he must indicate in this declaration the residence .

The wife has the right to object to this before the court of first instance within thirty days from the date of the announcement, and she must indicate in the objection sheet the legitimate aspects on which she bases her refusal to obey him, otherwise it is ruled that her objection will not be accepted .

ميعاد التطليق لغيبة الزوج ( المادة  12 )

If the husband has been absent for a year or more without an acceptable excuse, his wife may ask the judge to divorce her if she is harmed by him after her and if he has money from which she can spend .

The date of divorce for the detention of the spouse ( Article 14 )

The wife of a detainee who has been permanently sentenced to a custodial sentence of three years or more may ask the judge after one year of imprisonment to release him on grounds of harm, if he has money from which she can spend .

ميعاد رفع دعوي نفي النسب  ( المادة 15)

When denying, you will not hear claims of descent for a wife's child who has been proven not to have met with her husband since the contract, nor for a wife's child whom she brought a year after the husband was stupid about her, nor for a divorced child whose deceased husband brought her for more than a year from the time of divorce or death .

The date of filing claims for alimony and claims for maintenance of the kit ( Article 17 )

A lawsuit for alimony for more than a year from the date of divorce is not heard, and when denying a claim of descent due to inheritance due to matrimony for a divorcee whose husband died a year after the date of divorce, it is not heard .

The date of execution of the alimony provision ( Article 18 )

An alimony judgment issued after the entry into force of this law may not be executed for a period exceeding one year from the date of divorce, and a judgment issued before the entry into force of this law for a period after its issuance may not be executed except to the extent that completes one year from the date of divorce .

The term of the age of custody of the young (Article 20)

The right of custody of women ends when the minor reaches the age of ten and the minor reaches the age of twelve, and after this age, the judge may keep the minor until the age of fifteen and the minor until she marries in the hands of the sitter without a custody fee if it turns out that her interest requires it .

Both parents have the right to see the little one or the little one and the grandparents like that when the parents are not present .

Duration of the missing person's death (Article 21)

The missing person is considered dead after one year from the date of his loss in the event that it is proved that he was on the deck of a sunken ship or was in a downed aircraft , or he was a member of the armed forces and was lost during military operations, and the prime minister or the minister of Defense shall be issued as Investigation and retrieval of the clues with which the doom prevails, a decision on the names of the missing who were considered dead in the judgment of the previous paragraph, and this decision takes the place of the judgment on the death of the missing .

In other cases, the determination of the period after which the judge is sentenced shall be delegated not less than four years, after investigating him with all possible divorces leading to finding out whether the missing person is alive or dead .

ثانيا : المواعيد والمدد القانونية في المرسوم بقانون 119 لسنة 1952 ( الخاص بأحكام الولاية علي المال) .


The date of editing the list of the minor's property by The Guardian of the minor (Article 16)

The guardian must draw up a list of what the minor has of money or what is assigned to him and deposit the registry of the court in whose district his home is located within two months from the beginning of the mandate or the assignment of this money to the minor

The date of expiry of the mandate over the minor (Article 18)

The mandate ends when the minor reaches twenty-one six unless the court rules before he reaches this age that the mandate continues over him .

The date of the ruling on the suspension of guardianship over the minor (Article 21 )

The court rules to suspend guardianship if the Guardian is considered absent or arrested in execution of a sentence of a felony sentence or imprisonment for a period exceeding one year

The date of the minor's request for permission to manage his money (Article 55 )

The court May, after hearing the statements of the Guardian, authorize the minor who has reached eighteen to receive all or some of his funds for management, and if the court refuses permission, the applicant may not be renewed before one year has elapsed from the date of the final decision to refuse .

ثالثا : القانون رقم 1 لسنة 2000م بشأن تنظيم التقاضي في بعض مسائل الأحوال الشخصية والمعدل بالقانون رقم 91 لسنة 2000م .

Age of eligibility for litigation in matters of personal status (Article 2)

The eligibility of litigation in matters of personal status of the state shall be established for the person who has completed fifteen full birth years with mental powers .

Date of acceptance of marriage claims-conditions (Article 17 )

Claims arising out of a marriage contract are not accepted if the wife's age is less than sixteen Gregorian years , or the husband's age is less than eighteen Gregorian years at the time of filing the claim

Claims arising from the marriage contract in the facts subsequent to the first of August 1939 are not accepted upon denial, unless the marriage is confirmed by official documents, however, divorce or annulment claims are accepted according to the circumstances, but only if the marriage is fixed in any writing .

Date of presentation of the court to the magistrate (Article 18 )

In cases of self-guardianship, the court is obliged to offer conciliation to the opponents, and whoever fails to attend the conciliation session with knowledge of it without an acceptable excuse refuses him .

In divorce and divorce cases, we are not sentenced to them until after the court makes an effort to try to reconcile the spouses and is unable to do so .if the spouses have a son, the court is obliged to offer reconciliation at least twice, separated by a period of not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days.

رابعا : المواعيد والمدد القانونية في القانون رقم 10 لسنة 2004م  بإصدار قانون محكمة الأسرة بدء سريان أحكام قانون محكمة الأسرة : ـ

يعمل بأحكام القانون المرفق في شأن إنشاء محاكم الأسرة ، ويلغي كل حكم يخالف أحكامه ( المادة 1 ) 

Referral of cases to the Family Court (Article 2 ) 

The courts of the first, partial and primary instance shall, on their own initiative, refer the cases that they have, which, according to the provisions of the attached law, have become the jurisdiction of the family courts, in the case in which they are and without fees, and in the absence of one of the opponents, the registry of the book shall declare him with the referral order and instruct him to appear on time before the family court to which the case was referred.

The family courts are obliged to consider the cases referred to them in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph without submitting them to the family dispute settlement offices provided for in the attached law.

The first paragraph shall not apply to the cases sentenced or the cases postponed for the issuance of the judgment, and the judgments issued in this case shall remain subject to the rules governing the methods of Appeal in force before the operation of this law .

استمرار محكمة النقض ومحاكم الاستئناف في نظر الدعاوي ( المادة 3 )

The court of Cassation, the courts of Appeal and the courts of first instance shall continue to consider appeals filed before it before the provisions of the annexed law on judgments and decisions issued by the district and primary courts and the courts of Appeal, as the case may be, in cases that have become the jurisdiction of the family court .

Date of issuance of the executive regulations of the Family Court Law (Article 4 ) 

The minister of justice shall issue the necessary decisions to implement the provisions of the attached law, within three months from the date of its issuance .

Date of entry into force of the Family Court Law (Article 5 )

This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be in force as of the first of October 2004

ميعاد انتهاء مدة تسوية المنازعات الأسرية  ( مادة 8 )

The settlement must be completed within fifteen days from the date of submission of the application , and this period may not be exceeded except by agreement of the liabilities, if the reconciliation is made, the head of the family dispute settlement Office shall prove it in a minutes signed by the parties to the dispute, and attached to the minutes of the session in which it was Peace is in it .

If the efforts have not resulted in an amicable settlement of the dispute in all or some of its elements , and the student insists on completing the process, a record of what has been done and signed by the parties to the dispute, or those present about them, and attached to it are the reports of statisticians , and a report from the head of the office, and all The deadline is seven days from the date of the request of any of the parties to the dispute, in order to proceed with the judicial proceedings, unless agreed by the parties to the dispute.

Dates are calculated in the Gregorian calendar, unless otherwise provided by law (Article 3 )

ميعاد بلوغ  سن الرشد القانوني  (مادة 44)

 (1) every person who has reached the age of majority with mental powers and has not been quarantined shall be fully entitled to exercise his civil rights.

(2) وسن الرشد هي إحدى وعشرون سنة ميلادية كاملة.

ميعاد وأسباب  عدم اكتمال الأهلية  ( مادة 45)

(1) no one who has lost his distinction because of his young age, dementia or insanity shall be eligible to exercise his civil rights.

(2) anyone who has not reached the age of seven is considered to lack distinction.

ميعاد صدور الإيجاب والقبول ( مادة  94)

(1) if the offer is issued in the contract council, without specifying the date of acceptance, the offeror shall be degraded from his positive if the acceptance is not issued immediately, as well as the case if the offer is issued by one person to another by telephone or by any similar way .

(2) however, the contract shall be concluded, even if the acceptance is not issued immediately, if there is no evidence that the Offeror has modified his offer in the period between the offer and acceptance, and the acceptance was issued before the contract Council dismissed.

Date of offer and acceptance between absent contractors (Article 97 )

(1) the contract between the two absentees shall be deemed to have been concluded in the place and at the time in which the Offeror is informed of the acceptance, unless there is an agreement or a legal provision providing otherwise.

(2) it is assumed that the Offeror has learned of the acceptance in the place and at the time when this acceptance reached him.

The time of filing a claim for annulment of the contract for the fact that one of the contractors committed an error ( Article 129 )

(1) if the obligations of one of the contractors are in no way equivalent to the benefit received by that contractor under the contract or with the obligations of the other contractor , and it turns out that the defaulting contractor concluded the contract only because the other contractor took advantage of obvious indiscretion or unbridled whim, the judge may, at the request of the defaulting contractor, invalidate the contract This is the contractor.

(2) the claim must be filed within one year from the date of the contract, otherwise it is inadmissible.

(3) in compensation contracts, the claim of champions may be satisfied by the other party, if he offers what the judge deems sufficient to lift the tort.

ميعاد سقوط الحق في طلب الإبطال ( مادة  140 )

(1) the right to invalidate the contract shall be forfeited if its owner does not uphold it within three years.

(2) in case of revocation of eligibility, this period shall take effect from the day on which this reason ceases , and in case of error or fraud , from the day on which it is revealed , and in case of coercion from the day of its interruption , and in any case the right of champions may not be invoked for error, fraud or coercion if fifteen years have elapsed Full contract.

Date of termination of claims of invalidity (Article 141 )

(1) if the contract is invalid, every interested party may invoke the invalidity, and the court may rule on it on its own, and the invalidity does not disappear by Leave.

(2) the claim of invalidity shall be dismissed by the lapse of fifteen years from the time of the contract.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي التعويض عن العمل الغير مشروع ( مادة 172 )

(1) a claim for compensation arising from an unlawful act shall be time-barred by the expiration of three years from the day on which the injured person became aware of the occurrence of the damage and the person responsible for it . This lawsuit is dropped in any case, with the expiration of fifteen years from the day the illegal act occurred.

(2) however, if such a claim arises from a crime, and the criminal case has not been dismissed after the expiration of the deadlines mentioned in the previous paragraph, the claim for compensation shall be dismissed only with the termination of the criminal case.

ميعاد دعوي التعويض عن الإثراء بلا سبب ( مادة 180 )

The claim for compensation for enrichment shall be terminated without cause by the expiration of three years from the day on which the person who suffered the loss learns of his right to compensation, and the claim shall be dismissed, as well as in all cases by the expiration of fifteen years from the day on which this right arises.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي الفضالة ( مادة 197 )

The lawsuit arising out of curiosity shall be dismissed upon the expiration of three years from the day on which each party learns of his right . In all cases, it shall also lapse upon the expiration of fifteen years from the day on which this right arises.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي عدم نفاذ التصرف ( مادة 243)

The statute of limitations for the non-effectiveness of the disposition shall expire upon the expiration of three years from the day on which the creditor learns of the reason for the non-effectiveness of the disposition and in all cases shall expire upon the expiration of fifteen years from the time the contested disposition was issued.

ميعاد المعارضة في الأحكام الصادرة في حالات الإعسار المدني ( مادة 252 )

The duration of the opposition in the judgments issued on insolvency is eight days, and the duration of its appeal is fifteen days, starting from the date of announcement of those judgments.

ميعاد التظلم من الحجز الواقع علي إيرادات المدين ( مادة 259)

If the creditors have signed the seizure of the debtor's income, the president of the court competent for the insolvency month may decide for the debtor, on the basis of a petition submitted by him, an alimony to be received from his seized income , and it is permissible to appeal against the order issued on this petition, within three days from the date of its issuance, if the Complain about them.

ميعاد الاعتراض علي حوالة الدين ( مادة 322 )

(1) the sale of the mortgaged property under a formal pledge does not follow the transfer of the debt secured by the pledge to the buyer's liability only if there is an agreement to this.

(2) if the seller and the buyer agree on the transfer of the debt, and the contract of sale is registered, the creditor, once the transfer is officially announced, must approve or reject it within a period not exceeding six months, if this period elapses without being satisfied with the opinion, his silence is considered an acknowledgement.


ميعاد تقادم الالتزام ( مادة 374)

The obligation expires after the expiration of fifteen years, except for the cases mentioned in a special provision in the law and with the exception of the following exceptions.

ميعاد تقادم الحقوق الدورية ( مادة 375 )

(1) every periodic renewable right, even if approved by the debtor, such as the rent of buildings, agricultural land, in exchange for a monopoly, as well as interest and consequent income, gifts, wages and pensions, shall expire by five years.

(2) the rent due shall not be forfeited to the bad-faith holder, nor the rent that the custodian of the waqf is obliged to pay to the beneficiaries, except after the expiration of fifteen years.

ميعاد تقادم أتعاب الأطباء والمهندسين والمحامين والأطباء ( مادة   376 )

The rights of doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, engineers, experts, bankruptcy agents, brokers, professors and teachers are expired by five years, provided that these rights are due to them as a reward for the work they have done in their profession and the expenses they have incurred

ميعاد تقادم الرسوم والضرائب المستحقة للدولة ( مادة 377  )

(1) taxes and fees due to the state shall be three years old and the limitation period for annual taxes and fees shall begin from the end of the year for which they are due, and for fees due for judicial papers from the date of termination of the proceedings in the case on which these papers were filed, or from the date of their filing if no case has been filed.

(2) the right to demand the refund of taxes and fees that have been paid unlawfully is also three years out of date . The limitation period begins from the day of its payment.

(3) the preceding provisions shall not prejudice the provisions of the provisions contained in the special laws.

ميعاد تقادم حقوق الخدم والتجار والعمال والصناع ( مادة 378)

(1) the following rights shall expire by one year :

(A) the rights of merchants and manufacturers to return items to people who do not trade in these items, and the rights of hotel and restaurant owners to the cost of accommodation, the price of food and everything they have spent on behalf of their customers.

(B) the rights of workers, servants and wage earners to daily and non-daily wages and the price of their supplies.

(2) whoever maintains that the right has expired by a year must swear an oath that he has actually fulfilled the debt . This oath is directed by the judge on his own initiative and is addressed to the heirs of the debtor or their guardians, if they are minors, that they do not know about the existence of the debt or know about the fulfillment.

ميعاد تقادم دعوي تكملة الثمن بسبب غبن لحق بأحد أطراف العقد ( مادة 426 )

(1) a claim supplemented by the price for wrongfulness shall be subject to the statute of limitations if three years have elapsed from the time of eligibility or from the day on which the owner of the property sold dies.

(2) this lawsuit does not cause harm to the non-bona fide if he gains a right in kind to the property sold.

ميعاد سقوط دعوي الضمان ( مادة 452 )

(1) the warranty claim is time-barred if one year has elapsed from the time of delivery of the seller and if the buyer reveals the defect only after that, unless the seller accepts to be bound by the warranty for a longer period.

(2) however, the seller may not invoke the completeness of the limitation period if it is proved that he deliberately concealed the defect fraudulently from him.

ميعاد رفع دعوي الضمان – سقوط ( مادة 455 )

If the seller guarantees the validity of the seller to work for a period of information and then a defect appears in the sale, the buyer must notify the seller of this defect within one month of its appearance and file a lawsuit within six months of this notification, otherwise his right to warranty will lapse, all this unless otherwise agreed.

ميعاد انقضاء الشركة ( مادة 526 )

(1) the Company shall terminate upon the expiration of the date assigned to it or upon the completion of the work for which it has performed.

(2) if the specified period has elapsed or the work is terminated and the partners continue to perform the type of work for which the company was formed, the contract shall be extended year by year under the same conditions.

(3) a creditor of one of the partners may object to such an extension, and his objection shall result in the cessation of its effect against him.

ميعاد استحقاق فوائد الدين ( مادة 544 )  

If the interest is agreed, the debtor, if one year has elapsed months after the loan, may declare his desire to cancel the contract and refund what he borrowed, provided that the refund is made within a period not exceeding six months from the date of this announcement, in which case the debtor is obliged to pay the interest due for the six months following the announcement , and Interest or consideration of any kind due to accelerated fulfillment, and it is not allowed to agree on the cancellation or limitation of the borrower's right to refund.

ميعاد انتهاء عقد الإيجار إذا لم تحدد مده بعقد الإيجار أو حددت لأجل غير محدد ( مادة 563 )

If the lease is concluded without an agreement on a term, a contract for an indefinite period, or the claimed term cannot be proved, the lease is considered to be concluded for the period designated for the payment of the rent . This period shall expire at the request of one contractor if the other contractor has been notified of the evacuation on the following dates.

(A) in agricultural lands and wastelands, if the period set for the payment of the rent is six months or more, the notification shall be three months before its termination, and if the period is less than that, the notification shall be given before the last half thereof, all this taking into account the tenant's right to harvest according to custom.

( ب ) في المنازل والحوانيت والمكاتب والمتاجر والمصانع والمخازن وما إلى ذلك إذا كانت الفترة المعينة لدفع الأجرة  أربعة أشهر أو أكثر وجب تنبيه قبل انتهائها بشهرين ، فإذا كانت الفترة أقل من ذلك وجب التنبيه قبل نصفها الأخير.

(C) in furnished dwellings and rooms and in anything other than the foregoing, if the period designated for payment of the fare is two months or more, the notification must be given one month before the final one, and if it is less than that, the notification must be given before the last half thereof.

ميعاد أقصي مدة ينعقد لها إيجار الوقف ( مادة 633 )

(1) the caretaker may not, without the permission of the judge, lease the waqf for a period exceeding three years, even if that is on concurrent contracts .if the lease is held for a longer period, the period has expired to three years.

(2) however, if the caretaker is the only one standing or entitled, he may lease the stay for a period exceeding three years without the need for a judge's permission, and this without prejudice to the right of the caretaker who succeeds him to request a reduction of the period to three years.

ميعاد الضمان في عقود المقاولات ( مادة 651)

(1) the architect and the contractor shall guarantee in solidarity what happens within ten years of the total or partial demolition of the buildings they have constructed or erected from other fixed facilities, even if the demolition is due to a defect in the land itself , or the work has authorized the erection of defective facilities, unless the contractors in this case have wanted These installations have a duration of less than ten years .

(2) the warranty provided for in the preceding paragraph includes the defects in buildings and installations that threaten the durability and safety of construction.

(3) وتبدأ مدة السنوات العشر من وقت تسلم العمل ولا تسرى هذه المادة على ما قد يكون للمقاول من حق الرجوع على المقاولين من الباطن  ميعاد سقوط دعوي الضمان ( مادة 654 )

Advanced warranty claims are terminated by the expiration of three years from the time of the demolition or the discovery of the defect .

ميعاد سقوط الدعاوى الناشئة عن عقد العمل الفردي ( مادة  698 )

(1) claims arising out of an employment contract shall expire with the expiration of a year starting from the time of termination of the contract, except with respect to employment, profit sharing and percentages in total income, the period in which it begins only from the time when the employer delivers to the worker a statement of what he is entitled to according to the latest inventory .

(2) this special limitation period shall not apply to actions related to the violation of the inviolability of trade secrets or the implementation of the provisions of the employment contract aimed at ensuring respect for these secrets .

ميعاد تقادم الحقوق الناشئة عن عقد التأمين ( مادة 752  )

(1) claims arising out of the insurance contract shall be time-barred by the expiration of three years from the time of the occurrence of the incident that gave rise to such claims .

(2) however, this period does not apply :

A. In case of concealing data related to the insured risk, or providing incorrect or inaccurate data about this risk, except from the day when the insurer learned about it .

P. In the event of an insured event, except from the day on which the concerned persons became aware of its occurrence.

ميعاد دعوي براءة الذمة ذمة الكفيل ( مادة 785)

(1) the guarantor shall not be discharged simply because the creditor delayed taking the measures or simply because he did not take them .

(2) however, the guarantor's debt is discharged if the creditor does not take action against the debtor within six months, or the guarantor's warning to the creditor, Unless the debtor has provided the guarantor with sufficient security .

ميعاد رفع دعوي نقض القسمة ( مادة 845 )

(1) The Division obtained by mutual consent may be reversed if one of the two parties proves that he has been wronged by more than one-fifth of it, provided that the lesson is in estimating the value of the thing at the time of division .

(2) the lawsuit must be filed within the year following the division . The defendant may stop the process and prevent the division again if the defendant completes in cash or in kind what has been reduced from his share .

مدة عقد قسمة المهاياة ( مادة 846  )

(1) in the division of the facility, the partners agree that each of them shall benefit from a separate portion equal to his share in the common money, ceding to his partners in exchange for the use of the remaining parts . Such an agreement shall not be valid for more than five years . If there is no requirement for a period or the agreed period has expired and no new agreement has been obtained, the period of one year is renewed if the partner does not declare to his partners three months before the end of the current year that he does not wish to renew .

(2) if this division lasts fifteen years, a final division shall be reversed, unless otherwise agreed by the partners . If the partner has acquired a separate portion of the common money for a period of fifteen years, it is assumed that his possession of this portion is based on a prepared division .

مدة الاتفاق علي ملكية الأسرة ( مادة 852 )

(1) it may be agreed to establish family ownership for a period not exceeding fifteen years, provided that each partner may request permission from the court to take out his share of this ownership before the agreed term if there is a strong justification for this .

(2) if the said property does not have a certain time limit, each partner may withdraw his share from it after six months from the day he announces to the partners his desire to withdraw his share .

ميعاد فقد الملكية بسبب عدم الاستعمال ( مادة 874 )

(1) uncultivated land that has no owner shall be the property of the state .

(2) such lands may not be owned or seized except with a license from the state in accordance with the regulations .

(3) however, an Egyptian has planted, planted, or built on uncultivated land, and immediately owns the cultivated or planted part or the building, even without a license from the state . But he loses his ownership by not using it for a period of five years during the ten-fifths of the year following the ownership .

ميعاد الأخذ بالشفعة ( مادة 942 )

(1) the declaration of the desire to take intercession must be official, otherwise it is invalid . This declaration shall not be an argument against third parties unless it is registered .

(2) within thirty days at the latest from the date of this announcement, the treasury of the court in whose department the property must deposit all the real price obtained after the sale, taking into account that this deposit must be made before filing the lawsuit by intercession, if the deposit is not made by this time on the applicant, the right to intercession lapsed.

ميعاد رفع دعوي المطالبة بالشفعة ( مادة   943 )

A pre-emption claim is filed against the seller and the buyer before the court in whose district the property is located and is credited to the schedule . All this shall be within thirty days from the date of the announcement provided for in the previous article, otherwise the right to it shall be forfeited and the lawsuit shall be adjudicated promptly .

ميعاد سقوط الحق في المطالبة بالشفعة ( مادة 948 )

The right to intercession is waived in the following cases:

(A) if the intercessor renounces his right to accept intercession, even before the sale.

(B) if four months have elapsed from the date of registration of the contract of sale .

(C) in other cases provided for by law .

ميعاد انقضاء الحيازة ( مادة 957)

(1) possession shall not lapse if effective control of the right is prevented by a temporary impediment .

(2) however, the possession lapses if this impediment lasts a whole year and arises from a new possession that occurred against the will or without the knowledge of the possessor . It is calculated starting from the time when the new possession has expired, if it began openly, or from the time the first holder became aware of it if it began secretly .

ميعاد رفع دعاوى استرداد الحيازة ( مادة 958 )

(1) the owner of the property May, during the year following the loss of the property, request its return to him . If the loss of possession is hidden, the year will take effect from the time it is revealed .

(2) possession may also be recovered from each holder on behalf of another .

ميعاد رفع دعوي الحيازة التي اغتصبت بالقوة ( مادة 959)

(1) if a person who has lost possession has not been in possession for a year at the time of his loss, possession may be recovered only from a person who is not based on a possession entitled to preference . The most preferred possession is the possession that is based on a legal deed . If none of the holders has a bond or their bonds are tied, the rightful possession is the first in history .

(2) if he has lost possession by force, the holder may, in all cases, recover his possession from the infringer within the following year .

ميعاد رفع دعوي منع التعرض ( مادة 961 )

Anyone who has acquired a property and has been in possession for a whole year and then has an exposure in his possession may file a lawsuit to prevent this exposure during the following year .

المدة اللازمة لتملك العقار أو المنقول بحيازته ( مادة 968)

A person who has acquired a movable property or real estate without being the owner thereof, or has acquired a right in kind to a movable property or real estate without this right being his own, he had the right to acquire ownership of the thing or the right in kind if his possession continued without interruption for fifteen years .

ميعاد التقادم المكسب ( مادة 969 )  

(1) if the acquisition of real property or a real property right occurred and was accompanied by good faith and at the same time based on a valid reason, the limitation period for the gain shall be five years.

(2) good faith is required only at the time of receipt of the right .

(3) the valid reason is a bond issued by a person who is not the owner of the thing or the owner of the right that is intended to be acquired by statute of limitations, and it must be registered in accordance with the law .

ميعاد اكتساب حقوق الإرث بالتقادم ( مادة 970 )

In all cases, inheritance rights are not acquired by statute of limitations unless the possession lasts for a period of thirty-three years .

It is not allowed to own private funds owned by the state or public legal persons, as well as the funds of economic units belonging to public institutions or public bodies, public sector companies that are not affiliated with either, charitable endowments, or to earn any in-kind right to these funds by statute of limitations.

It is not permissible to infringe on the funds referred to in the previous paragraph, and in case of infringement, the competent minister shall have the right to remove it administratively .

مدة التحكير ( مادة 999)  

It is not permissible to monopolize for a period exceeding sixty years, and if a longer term is appointed or the appointment of the term is omitted, the monopoly is considered to be held for a period of sixty years .

ميعاد انتهاء التحكير بسبب عدم سداد الأجرة ( مادة 1009 )

If the monopolist has not been paid the fare for three consecutive years, he may request the termination of the contract .

ميعاد انتهاء حق الحكر ( مادة  1011 )

The right of monopoly ends by not using it for a period of fifteen years, unless the right of Monopoly is suspended and ends by not using it for a period of three thirty years .

ميعاد انتهاء حقوق الارتفاق ( مادة 1027)  

(1) easements shall expire if they are not used for a period of fifteen years, if the easement is for the benefit of a suspended Person, the period shall be thirty-three years .

 As the statute of limitations expires, the easement may also be modified in the same way from the way in which it is used

(2) if the contracted property is owned by several partners on a common basis, the use of one of them by the agreement interrupts the statute of limitations in the interest of the rest, and the cessation of the statute of limitations in the interest of one of these partners makes it suspended in the interest of the rest of them .

مدة نفاذ مخالصة الأجرة ( مادة 1046)

(1) the advance clearance of the rent for a period not exceeding three years, as well as the transfer thereof, shall not be effective against the mortgaged creditor unless the date is fixed before the registration of the notice of expropriation .

(2) if the clearance or transfer is for a period of more than three years, it shall not be effective against the mortgaged creditor unless it was registered before the pledge was made, otherwise the period shall be reduced to three years taking into account the provision in the preceding paragraph .

ميعاد طلب بيع العقار المطلوب تطهيره ( مادة 1067  )

Each creditor with a restricted right and each guarantor of a restricted right may request the sale of the property to be cleared, and this shall be within thirty days from the last official announcement, to which shall be added the dates of the distance between the original home of the creditor and his chosen home, provided that the dates of the distance shall not exceed another thirty days.

ميعاد إعلان الدائن بتخلية العقار المرهون ( مادة 1071)

(1) the release of the Mortgaged Property shall be by a report submitted by the holder to the registry of the competent court of First Instance, and he must request the indication of this in the margin of registration of the notice of expropriation, and the direct creditor of the proceedings shall announce this release within five days from the time of the report thereof .

(2) a person who has an interest in expediting matters may request the urgent matters judge to appoint a custodian against whom the expropriation proceedings will be conducted .the holder shall appoint a custodian if so requested.

ميعاد الإنذار بدفع الدين أو تخلية العقار ( مادة 1072  )

If the holder does not choose to settle the restricted debts, clear the property from foreclosure, or abandon this property, the mortgaged creditor may not take dispossession actions in accordance with the provisions of the pleadings law in front of him only after warning him to pay the outstanding debt or vacate the property, and the warning shall be after warning the debtor to expropriate or with this warning simultaneously .

تمسك الحائز بحقوق الدائن ( مادة 1073)

(1) the holder who registered his title deed and was not a party to the lawsuit in which the debtor was sentenced to the debt, may uphold the aspects of payments that the debtor had to uphold, if the judgment on the debt was subsequent to the registration of the holder's deed .

(2) in all cases, the holder may invoke the defences that the debtor still has the right to invoke after the judgment of the debt .

عرض الحائز ثمنا للعقار محل البيع – شروط ( مادة 1074  )

The holder has the right to enter the auction on the condition that he does not offer a price lower than the rest of the price of the property being sold

ميعاد تملك الحائز للعقار المرهون الذي اشتراه بالمزاد ( مادة 1075) 

If the ownership of the mortgaged property is expropriated, even if it is after the clearance or abandonment procedures have been taken and the auction fee is paid to the holder himself, this is considered the owner of the property by virtue of its original title deed, and the property is cleared of all restricted rights if the holder pays the price at which the auction was paid or deposited by the court Treasury.

إيجار الدائن المرتهن للعقار المرهون ( مادة 1115 )

The mortgaged creditor of a property may lease the property to the current one without preventing the mortgage from being effective against third parties . If the rent is agreed in the mortgage contract, this must be stated in the same entry . If it is agreed upon after the mortgage, it must be indicated in the margin of registration, but this indication is not necessary if the lease is renewed implicitly .

ميعاد نفاذ الإيجار الخاص بالعقار المرهون وشروطه ( مادة 1123)

(1) a pledge of debt shall not be effective against the debtor unless such pledge is declared to him or accepted by him in accordance with article 305 .

(2) it shall not be effective against third parties except by the mortgagee's possession of the encumbered debt bond, and the mortgage shall be calculated from the fixed date of declaration or acceptance .

لا حاجة إلى الإعلان عن الرهن – حالة خاصة ( مادة 1124  )

Nominal bonds and promissory notes are pledged in the special way established by the law for the transfer of these bonds, provided that it is stated that the transfer was made as a pledge, and the pledge is made without the need for a declaration.

إخطار الراهن بسداد الدائن المرتهن لدين مستحق ( مادة   1126 )

(1) the mortgaged creditor may seize the interest due on the encumbered debt that is resolved after the encumbrance, as well as he may seize all the periodic benefits of this debt, provided that what he seizes is deducted from the expenses, then from the interest, then from the principal of the debt secured by the encumbrance, all this unless otherwise agreed .

(2) the encumbered creditor is obliged to preserve the encumbered debt, and if he has to demand something from this debt without the intervention of the current, he must demand it at the time and place designated for satisfaction and notify the current of this .

Legal dates and periods in the law of civil and commercial pleadings

ميعاد تمام الإعلانات  ( مادة 7 )

No declaration may be made and executed before seven o'clock in the morning, nor after eight o'clock in the evening, nor on public holidays, except in cases of necessity and with the written permission of the judge of temporary matters .

 عرض أمر الإعلان علي قاضي الأمور الوقتية  ( مادة 8 )

If, in the opinion of the bailiff, he is directed to refrain from advertising, as if he finds out that the paper contains statements contrary to public order or morals, or that it has been tainted by ambiguity, ignorance, or otherwise, which makes it impossible for him to declare it, he must immediately submit the matter to the judge of temporary matters to order after hearing the Change . The student may complain about this matter to the court of First Instance in the counseling room to finally decide on the grievance after hearing the minutes and the student is scheduled to hand over the declaration to the administration –

حالة عدم وجود من يصح تسليم الاعلان له وحالة امتناع من وجد عن استلام الإعلان  ( مادة 11 )

If the bailiff does not find the right person to hand over the paper to him in accordance with the previous article, or those mentioned in it refrained from signing the original by receipt or from receiving the photo, he must hand it over on the same day to the bailiff of the department, the center, the mayor or the sheikh of the country where the declarant's home is located in his department, as appropriate, after signing the original By receipt .

Within twenty-four hours, the advertiser shall send to the advertiser in his home country or the Chosen One a registered book, accompanied by another copy of the paper, informing him that the photo was handed over to the management authority . The record must show all this in a timely manner in the original of the advertisement and its two images .the advertisement is considered a product of its effects from the time the image is handed over to the person to whom it was legally handed over.

فيمن يصح تسلمهم الإعلانات قانوناً  ( مادة 13 )

Except as provided for in special laws, the copy of the advertisement shall be delivered in the following manner :-

  1. ما يتعلق بالدولة يسلم للوزراء ومديري المصالح المختصة والمحافظين أو لمن يقوم مقامهم فيها عدا صحف الدعاوى وصحف الطعون والأحكام فتسلم الصورة إلي هيئة قضايا الدولة أو فروعها بالأقاليم حسب الاختصاص المحلي لكل منها .
  2. ما يتعلق بالأشخاص العامة يسلم للنائب عنها قانونا أو لمن يقوم مقامه فيما عدا صحف الدعاوى وصحف الطعون والأحكام فتسلم الصورة إلي هيئة قضايا الدولة أو فروعها بالأقاليم حسب الاختصاص المحلى لكل منها .
  3. ما يتعلق بالشركات التجارية يسلم في مركز إدارة الشركة لأحد المتضامنين أو لرئيس مجلس الإدارة أو للمدير أو لمن يقوم مقامهم فإن لم يكن للشركة مركز تسلم لواحد من هؤلاء لشخصه أو في موطنه .
  4. ما يتعلق بالشركات المدنية والجمعيات والمؤسسات الخاصة وسائر الأشخاص الاعتبارية يسلم بمركز إدارتها للنائب عنها بمقتضى عقد إنشائها أو نظامها أو لمن يقوم مقامه فإذا لم يكن لها مركز سلمت الصورة للنائب عنها لشخصه أو في موطنه .
  5. ما يتعلق بالشركات الأجنبية التي لها فرع أو كيل في جمهورية مصر العربية يسلم إلي هذا الفرع أو الوكيل .
  6. ما يتعلق بأفراد القوات المسلحة ومن في حكمهم يسلم بواسطة النيابة العامة إلي الإدارة القضائية المختصة بالقوات المسلحة .
  7. ما يتعلق بالمسجونين يسلم لمأمور السجن .
  8. ما يتعلق ببحارة السفن التجارية أو بالعاملين فيها يسلم للربان.
  9. ما يتعلق بالأشخاص الذين لهم موطن معلوم في الخارج يسلم للنيابة العامة وعلي النيابة إرسالها لوزارة الخارجية لتوصيلها بالطرق الدبلوماسية ، ويجوز أيضا في هذه الحالة وبشروط المعاملة بالمثل تسليم الصورة مباشرة لمقر البعثة الدبلوماسية للدولة التي يقع بها موطن المراد إعلانه كي تتولى توصيلها إليها.

 ويجب علي المحضر خلال أربع وعشرين ساعة من تسليم الصورة للنيابة العامة المختصة أو يوجه إلي المعلن إليه في موطنه المبين بالورقة وعلي نفقة الطالب كتابا موصى عليه بعلم الوصول يرفق به صورة أخري ، ويخبره فه أن الصورة المعلنة سلمت إلي النيابة العامة . ويعتبر الإعلان لأثاره من وقت تسليم الصورة للنيابة العامة ما لم يكن مما يبدأ منه ميعاد في الحق المعلن إليه ، فلا يبدأ هذا الميعاد إلا من تاريخ تسليم الصورة في موطن المعلن إليه في الخارج ، أو توقيعه علي إيصال علم  الوصول ، أو امتناعه عن استلام الصورة أو التوقيع علي أصلها بالاستلام .

The minister of justice issues a decision on the rules for estimating expenses for mailing and how they are performed.

  1. إذا كان موطن المعلن إليه غير معلوم وجب أن تشتمل الورقة علي أخر موطن معلوم له في جمهورية مصر العربية أو الخارج وتسلم صورتها للنيابة .

In all cases, if the bailiff does not find the right person to hand over the paper on the original receipt or on receipt or on receipt of the copy, the bailiff proved this in time in the original and the copy and handed over the photo to the public prosecution.

عدم اعتبار يوم تمام الإعلان من الأيام الممنوحة للرد قانوناً  ( مادة 15 )

If the law appoints an estimated date in days, months or years for attendance or for the procedure to take place, the day of the announcement or the occurrence of the matter considered by the law to be in progress for the appointment shall not be counted from it, but if the appointment is due to expire before the procedure, the procedure may not take place until after the expiration of the last day of the appointment.

The appointment expires with the expiration of the last day of it if it is a circumstance in which the procedure must take place, and if the appointment is estimated in hours, the calculation of the hour from which it starts and the hour by which it expires on the applicant's face. The appointed dates are calculated by month or for the solar calendar, unless otherwise provided by law .

مواعيد المسافة  ( مادة 16 )

If the date is specified in the law to attend or to start a procedure in which a day is added to it for each distance of fifty kilometers between the place from which to move and the place to which to move . If the distance exceeds thirty kilometers, the time limit is increased for him, and it is not permissible for the distance to exceed four days.  

 The time of the distance shall be fifteen days for those whose homeland is located in the border areas .

ميعاد المسافة لمن يعلن خارج مصر  ( مادة 17 )

The distance limit for those whose home country is abroad is sixty days .

This date may be reduced by order of the temporary affairs judge depending on the ease of transportation and urgent circumstances and this order shall be announced with the paper.

This deadline does not apply to anyone who declares to his person in the Republic while he is present, since the judge of temporary matters or the court when considering the case may order the extension of the regular dates or as extended to me, except in both cases it exceeds the date that he would have deserved if he had declared at home abroad.

امتداد مدة الإعلان إذا صادف أخر يوم عطلة رسمية  ( مادة 18 )

If the last public holiday falls, extend to the first working day after it.


مدة إصدار النيابة العامة لقراراتها في مسائل الحيازة  ( مادة 44 مكرر)

 The public prosecution, when presented with a dispute of civil or criminal possession, must issue a reasoned interim decision in which it must be executed immediately after hearing the statements of the parties to the dispute and conducting the necessary investigations .the said decision shall be issued by a member of the prosecution with the rank of chief prosecutor at least.

 The public prosecution must announce this decision to the relevant authorities within three days from the date of its issuance .

In all cases, the appeal against this decision for everyone concerned shall be before the judge competent for urgent matters, on a lawsuit filed by the usual procedures within fifteen days from the day of his announcement of the decision , and the judge shall rule on the appeal by virtue of my time to support the decision, amend it or cancel it, and May, at the request of the Grievance.

Annexes to the filing of the lawsuit Article 65

  The court book Registry shall record the case sheet if it is accompanied by the following :-

  1. ما يدل علي سداد الرسوم المقررة قانونا أو إعفاء المدعي منها.
  2. صورة من الصحيفة بقدر عدد المعدي عليهم فضلا عن صورتين لقلم الكتاب .
  3. أصول المستندات المؤبدة للدعوى أو صورة منها تحت مسئولية المدعي ، وما يركن إليه من أدلة لإثبات دعواه .
  4. مذكرة شارحة للدعوى أو إقرار باشتمال صحيفة الدعوى علي شرح كامل لها ، وصور من المذكرة أو الإقرار بقدر عدد المدعي عليهم. وعلي قلم الكتاب إثبات تاريخ طلب القيد في جميع الأحوال .

وإذا كان رأي  قلم الكتاب عدم قيد صحيفة الدعوى – لعدم استيفاء المستندات والأوراق المبينة بالفقرة الأولي – قام بعرض الأمر علي قاضي الأمور الوقتية ليفصل فيه فورا ، إما بتكليف قلم الكتاب بقيد الدعوى ، أو بتكليف طالب قيدها باستيفاء ما نقص ، وذلك بعد سماع أقواله ورأي قلم الكتاب .

فإذا قيدت صحيفة الدعوى تنفيذا لأمر القاضي – اعتبرت مقيدة من تاريخ تقديم طلب القيد . ويرسل قلم الكتاب إلي المدعي عليه خلال ثلاثة أيام كتابا موصى عليه بعلم الوصول ، مرفقا به صورة من صحيفة الدعوى  ومن  المذكرة أو الإقرار ، يخطره فيه بقيد الدعوى واسم المعي وطلباته والجلسة المحددة لنظرها ، ويعدوه للإطلاع علي ملف الدعوى وتقديم مستنداته ومذكرة بدفاعه.

The defendant, in all cases except urgent cases in which the date of attendance has been missed, must file a memorandum of his defense with the registry, to which his documents, or copies thereof, are attached under his responsibility at least three days before the scheduled hearing to consider the case. The claim of the validity of the contract for the right of real property rights is not accepted unless its newspaper is famous.

ميعاد الحضور للجلسة حسب درجة المحكمة.  ( مادة 66 )

The attendance date is fifteen days before the court of First Instance and the court of Appeal and eight days before the courts of partial articles , and in case of necessity, these dates may be reversed to three days and to twenty-four hours, respectively. The time limit for attendance in urgent cases is twenty-four hours, and in case of necessity, this time limit may be reversed and made from hour to hour, provided that the same discount is announced, unless the case is one of the maritime cases . The lack of appointments in the advanced cases shall be with the permission of the temporary matters judge and his photo of the opponent shall be announced with the case sheet.

The date of delivery of the pen of the book to the newspaper of the lawsuit for its announcement.

Article. 67 the registry of the writers shall record the lawsuit on the day of the newspaper's submission in the relevant register after it proves in the presence of the plaintiff or his representative the date of the session specified for its consideration of the origin of the newspaper and its photographs.

The writer's Pen must, at the latest the next day, hand over the original of the newspaper and its photographs to the bailiffs ' pen for its announcement and return the original to him.      

However, it is permissible, in the absence of recovery claims and enforcement problems, to hand over to the plaintiff – when requested – the original of the newspaper and its photographs to be submitted to the registry of the bailiffs to declare it and return the original to the plaintiff to return it to the registry of the book .

ميعاد إعلان قلم المحضرين لصحيفة الدعوى.  ( مادة 68 )

علي قلم المحضرين أن يقوم بإعلان صحيفة الدعوى خلال ثلاثين يوما علي الأكثر من تاريخ تسليمها إليه إذا كان قد حدد لنظر الدعوى  جلسة تقع في أثناء هذا الميعاد فعندئذ يجب أن يتم الإعلان قبل الجلسة ، وذلك كله مع مراعاة ميعاد الحضور . وتحكم المحكمة المرفوعة إليها الدعوى  علي من تسبب من العاملين بقلم الكتاب أو المحضرين بإهماله في تأخير الإعلان بغرامة لا تقل عن عشرين جنيها ولا تجاوز مائتي جنيه ولا يكون الحكم بها قابلا لأي طعن. ولا تعتبر الخصومة منعقدة في الدعوى إلا بإعلان صحيفتها إلي المدعي عليه ما لم يحضر بالجلسة .

مواعيد تمام الإعلان مواعيد تنظيمية لا ترتب بطلاناً.  ( مادة 69 )

 Non-observance of the deadline established in the previous article does not entail the invalidity of the announcement of the lawsuit sheet .

Also, invalidity does not result from non-observance of the attendance dates, without prejudice to the advertiser's right to postpone to complete the appointment.

الحكم باعتبار الدعوى كأن لم تكن إذا لم تعلن خلال 3 شهور  ( مادة 70  )

يجوز بناء علي طلب المدعى عليه ، اعتبار الدعوى كأن لم تكن إذا لم يتم تكليف المدعي عليه بالحضور في خلال  ثلاثة أشهر من تاريخ تقديم الصحيفة إلي قلم الكتاب ، وكان ذلك راجعا إلي فعل المدعى.

ميعاد الحضور أمام محكمة الموضوع  ( مادة 72 )

On the day appointed for the hearing of the case, the litigants themselves or their lawyers are present on their behalf, and the court may accept on their behalf those who are entrusted by their spouses, relatives or in-laws to the third degree.

حضور وكيل المدعي أو المدعي علية حضور صحيح قانوناً  ( مادة 73  )

 The agent must decide to appear on behalf of his client and prove his agency about him in accordance with the provisions of the law on advocacy .the court May, if necessary, authorize the agent to prove his agency at a date determined by him, provided that this is done at the pleading session at the latest.

مكتب المحامي  موطن لوكيله معتبر في إعلان الأوراق اللازمة لسير الدعوى  ( مادة 74 )

 As soon as the power of attorney is issued by one of the opponents, the home of his agent is considered in the announcement of the necessary papers for the conduct of the case in the degree of litigation the principal is in. An adversary who does not have an agent in the country where the court is based shall have a domicile there. Any restriction contained in the power of attorney, unlike the above, is not invoked against the other opponent .

 ميعاد تجديد الدعوى من الشطب  ( مادة 82)  

If neither the defendant nor the defendant is present, the court will rule on the case if it is valid to rule in it, otherwise it will decide to cancel it if sixty days have elapsed and none of the opponents has asked to proceed with it . Or the parties did not attend after the walk in which it was considered that they were not .

The court adjudicates the case if the defendant, the plaintiffs or some of them are absent at the preliminary hearing and the defendant is present .



إيداع الخصم مذكرة بالدفاع يجعل الخصومة حضورية  ( مادة 83 )

If the defendant appears at any hearing or files a memorandum of his defense, the dispute will be deemed to be present against him, even if he fails after that .

 The defendant may not make new requests at the hearing at which his opponent has failed, or amend, increase or decrease the initial requests, nor May the defendant, in the absence of the plaintiff, request to be sentenced with an application.

ميعاد إعادة الإعلان  ( مادة 84 )

 If the defendant has failed alone in the initial hearing and the case sheet has been announced to a person, the court will rule on the case, if it has not been announced to a person, the court will rule on the case, if it has not been announced to a person, the court will have to postpone the consideration of the case to a .

If there are several defendants, some of whom have been announced to a person, others have not been announced to a person, and they are all absent, or those who have not been announced to a person are absent, the court must, in non-urgent cases, postpone the consideration of the case to a next hearing, at which the plaintiff declares those who have not been announced to a person absent .

 The verdict in the case is considered an adversarial judgment against all the defendants.

In the application of the provisions of this article, the declaration of a public or private legal person in his administrative center or in the state issues body, as the case may be, shall be considered a declaration of his person .

ميعاد إعلان صحيفة الدعوى إعلانا صحيحاً  ( مادة 85  )

If, in the absence of the defendant, the court finds that his advertisement in the newspaper is invalid, it must postpone the case to a next hearing to which a valid advertisement will be announced through the mediation of his opponent .

If the invalidity is due to the act of the plaintiff, he must be fined with a fine not less than fifty pounds and not exceeding five hundred pounds .

ميعاد اعتبار الحكم كأن لم يصدر.  ( مادة 86 )

If the absent opponent is present before the end of the hearing, I consider every sentence passed on him as if it were not .

ميعاد تقديم النيابة العامة لمذكرتها  ( مادة 93 )  

The prosecution, upon its request, shall be granted at least seven days to submit a memorandum of its statements .

This date starts from the day on which the case file is sent to her, including the documents of the opponents and their memoirs .

ميعاد تدخل النيابة العامة  ( مادة 94 )  

The intervention of the prosecution shall be in any case in which the case was before the closing of the pleading door.

أخر ميعاد لتقديم المذكرات  ( مادة 95 )  

In all cases in which the prosecution is an acceding party, the opponents, after submitting their statements and requests, may not request to speak or submit new memos, but they may submit to the court a written statement to correct the facts stated by the prosecution .

 However, in exceptional cases in which the court considers new documents or supplementary notes to be admissible, it may authorize their submission and the re-examination of the case, the prosecution being the last to speak.


متي يجوز للنيابة العامة استئناف الأحكام غير الجنائية  ( مادة 96 )

The public prosecution may appeal the verdict in cases where the law requires or permits its intervention if the verdict violates a rule of Public Order or if the law provides for it .

Prohibition of adjournment of the case for more than one hearing

Article 98 the case may not be postponed more than once for one reason due to one of the opponents, provided that the period of postponement does not exceed three weeks.

ميعاد وإجراءات التدخل في دعوي منظورة  ( مادة 126  )

Each interested party may intervene in the case by joining one of the opponents or seeking judgment for himself with a request related to the case. Intervention shall be by the usual procedures for filing the case before the day of the hearing or by a request to be presented orally at the hearing in their presence and confirmed in its minutes.intervention shall not be accepted after the closing of the pleading door.

ميعاد وقف الخصومة اتفاقياً  ( مادة 128)

 The case may be discontinued based on the agreement of the opponents not to proceed with it for a period not exceeding three months from the date of court approval of their agreement, but this suspension shall not have effect at any time until the law has determined it for some procedure . If the case is not expedited within eight days following the end of the deadline, the plaintiff is considered to have abandoned his claim and the appellant is considered to have abandoned his appeal .

ميعاد وقف الدعوى جزائيا :  ( مادة 129 )

فى غير الأحوال التى نص فيها القانون على  وقف الدعوى وجوبا أو جوازا يكون للمحكمة أن تأمر بوقفها كلما رأت تعليق حكمها فى موضوعها على الفصل فى مسألة أخرى يتوقف عليها الحكم . بمجرد زوال سبب الوقف يكون للخصم تعجيل الدعوى.

ميعاد تجديد  انقطاع سير الخصومة :  ( مادة 130 )

The course of the dispute shall be interrupted by virtue of the law by the death of one of the opponents, or by his loss of the capacity to dispute, or by the disappearance of the status of the one who was initiating the dispute from the deputies, unless the case has been prepared for judgment on its subject .

However, if one of the litigants requests a deadline to declare who is taking the place of the opponent in respect of whom the reason for the interruption has been investigated, the court must – before ruling on the interruption of the conduct of the litigation – to instruct him to declare within a period specified for him, and if he does not do it during this period without excuse, the court ruled the interruption of the conduct of the litigation since the cause was investigated .

 The court may grant an appropriate period to the opponent whose agent has died or whose agency has expired if he has initiated and appointed a new agent for him within fifteen days following the expiration of the first agency .

متي تعتبر الدعوى مهيأة للحكم فيها :  ( مادة 131 )

The case is considered to be ready for judgment on its subject matter if the opponents have made their closing statements and requests at the pleading session before death, loss of the adversarial capacity, or the disappearance of the status .

استئناف سير الدعوى  ( مادة 133)  

The lawsuit resumes its course with a newspaper announcing to the person who takes the place of the opponent who has died or lost his eligibility for the deduction or his status has been removed, at the request of the other party, or with a newspaper announcing to this party at the request of those . The case will also resume its course if the deceased's heir, or the person acting in the place of the person who has lost the capacity to dispute, or the person whose status has been removed from him, attends the hearing that was scheduled for consideration and proceeds to proceed with it .


طلب الحكم بسقوط الخصومة  ( مادة 134 )

Each interested party of the litigants, in case of failure to proceed with the lawsuit by the plaintiff's action or his omission, may request the ruling on the termination of the litigation once six months have elapsed from the last valid procedure of litigation .

ميعاد انقضاء الخصومة  ( مادة 140 )

In all cases, the discount expires two years after the last valid procedure in it. However, the provision of the previous paragraph does not apply to the appeal in Cassation.

ميعاد ترك الخصومة  ( مادة 141 )

The abandonment of the dispute shall be by a declaration from the leaver to his opponent by a record or by an explicit statement in a memorandum signed by the leaver or by his agent with the knowledge of the opponent thereof or by making it orally at the hearing and proving it in the record.

ميعاد وإجراءات رد القاضي  ( مادة 154 )

If the response is in the right of a judge who sat for the first time to hear the case in the presence of the opponents, he may respond with a note delivered to the clerk of the hearing .

The respondent must support the request by writing the book on the same day or the next day, otherwise the right to it will lapse.

 ميعاد رفع تقرير الرد  ( مادة 155 )

The Registrar of the court must submit the response report to its president, accompanied by a statement of the requests for response in the case and what was done in it, all within twenty-four hours.the president must inform the judge who is required to respond to the report immediately, and send a copy of it to the prosecution.

ميعاد كتابة القاضي الرد علي وقائع ردة وأسبابه  ( مادة  156  )

The judge whose response is requested must respond in writing to the facts of the response and its reasons within the four days following his notification . If the reasons are legally valid and the judge who is required to respond does not answer them on time, or recognizes them in his answer, the president of the court issues an order to step down .

إجراءات خاصة للرد  ( مادة 157 )

In cases other than those provided for in the previous article, the following measures shall be taken .

(A) if the request is made by a judge of the lower or lower courts, the president of the court of first instance shall send the papers to the president of the competent court of Appeal on the day following the expiration of the deadline . The president of the competent court shall notify the other litigants in the original case of the hearing scheduled to consider the request for restitution in order to submit any requests they may have for restitution in accordance with the text of the last paragraph of Article 152 .

 (B) the competent Registry shall notify the remaining litigants in the original case of the hearing scheduled for the consideration of the request for restitution in order to submit any requests they may have for restitution in accordance with the text of the last paragraph of Article 152 .

(C) the department that considers the request for response shall investigate the request in the counseling room and then judge it, no later than one month from the date of the report, after hearing the statements of the applicant for response, the judge's remarks if necessary or if requested, and the representative of the prosecution if it interferes in the case, and in the investigation of the request To him ..

(D) the decision issued in the response request shall be read out with its reasons in a public hearing .the response request of one of the advisers of the court considering the response request shall not be accepted, and its submission shall not result in stopping the consideration of the response request.

 In all cases, the decision to reject the request for response may not be appealed except with an appeal against the decision issued in the original case .

 ميعاد النطق بالحكم  ( مادة 171 )

After the end of the argument, the court may pronounce the judgment at the hearing, and it may postpone its issuance to another session soon to be determined by it . If the court authorizes the submission of memos during the period of booking the case for judgment, it must set a date for the defendant, followed by a date for the defendant to exchange them, by announcing them, or by depositing the original and photos of the number of opponents or their agents, as the case may be, and an additional photo will be returned to the Depositor after marking it from the book pen by receiving the original and photos and the date of that .

It is not allowed to withdraw documents from the file if the judgment is challenged, or before the expiration of the appeal dates, unless ordered otherwise by the president of the court .

ميعاد إيداع أسباب الحكم  ( مادة 175 )

In all cases, the draft judgment containing the reasons signed by the president and the judges must be deposited at the time of pronouncing the judgment, otherwise the judgment is invalid, and the person causing the invalidity is obliged to compensate if there is a face .

ميعاد حفظ ملف القضايا  ( مادة 179 )

The original copy of the judgment, including the facts of the case, the reasons and the operative part, shall be signed by the chairman and the clerk of the hearing and kept in the case file within twenty-four hours from the filing of the draft in urgent cases and seven days in other cases, otherwise the person causing the delay is obliged to compensate .

ميعاد التظلم  ( مادة 190 )

Each of the opponents may complain about the order referred to in the previous article, and the grievance is obtained in front of the record when the assessment order is announced or by a report in the registry of the court that issued the judgment, within eight days following the announcement of the order, and the record or Registry of the book, depending on the The specified day is three days.

إجراءات نظر التظلم  ( مادة 198 )

The grievance may be filed according to the original case in any case, even during the pleading at the hearing. The judge shall rule on the appeal by upholding the order, amending it or canceling it, and his ruling shall be subject to the methods of Appeal prescribed for the judgments .

ميعاد سقوط الأمر  ( مادة 200 )

The order issued on a petition shall be terminated if it is submitted for execution within thirty days from the date of its issuance and such termination does not prevent the issuance of a new order .

ميعاد إنذار المدين بسداد الدين قبل استصدار أمر الاداء  ( مادة 202  )

على الدائن أن يكلف المدين أولا بالوفاء بميعاد خمسة أيام على الأقل ثم يستصدر أمر بالأداء من قاضي محكمة المواد الجزئية التابع لها موطن المدين أو رئيس الدائرة بالمحكمة الابتدائية حسب الأحوال وذلك ما لم يقبل المدين اختصاص محكمة أخري بالفصل في النزاع ويكفي في التكليف بالوفاء أن يحصل  بكتاب مسجل مع علم الوصول ويقوم بروتستو عدم الدفع مقام هذا التكليف.

ميعاد إصدار القاضي للأمر علي العريضة  ( مادة  203 )

The order for performance is issued based on a petition submitted by the creditor or his agent, to which the debt deed is attached and proof that the assignment to fulfill it has been obtained.

The petition must be drawn up in two identical copies and include the facts of the application, its supporting documents, the debtor's full name and place of residence, and the supporting documents are attached to it, and the applicant must designate a chosen domicile in the jurisdiction of the court, if he resides outside this department, he had to take a chosen domicile in the town where the seat of the court is located .

 ويجب أن يصدر الأمر على إحدى نسختي العريضة خلال ثلاثة أيام على الأكثر من تقديمها وأن يبين المبلغ الواجب أداؤه من أصل وفوائد أو ما أمر بأدائه من منقول حسب الأحوال وكذا المصاريف .

ميعاد إعلان المدين بأمر الأداء  ( مادة 205 )

The debtor is declared to his person or in his home country by the petition and the order issued against him to perform . The petition and the order issued on it for performance shall be considered as if it were not if it was not declared to the debtor within three months from the date of issuance of the order .

ميعاد تظلم المدين من أمر الأداء  ( مادة 206 )

The debtor may appeal against the order within ten days from the date of its announcement to him, and the appeal shall take place before the court of partial articles or before the court of First Instance, as the cases and taking into account the conditions prescribed for the opening of the case . The complaint must be reasoned, otherwise it is invalid . The date of appeal of the order begins if it is subject to it from the date when it was too late to complain about it or from the date when the grievance was considered as if it was not . The right to appeal against the order is waived if it is directly challenged on appeal .

ميعاد إقامة الحجز التحفظي علي أموال المدين  ( مادة 210 )

If the creditor in the provision of Article 201 wants to seize what the city has with others, and in the cases in which the creditor may obtain an order from the judge for provisional seizure, the seizure order shall be issued by the competent judge to issue the order of performance, as an exception to the provisions of articles 275, 319, 327 . Within eight days of signing the reservation, the creditor must submit a request for performance and validity of the reservation procedures to the said Judge, otherwise the reservation will be considered as if not. In the event of a complaint against the seizure order for a reason related to the origin of the right, the issuance of the performance order shall be refrained and a hearing to consider the case shall be scheduled in accordance with Article 204 .

ميعاد الطعن في الأحكام  ( مادة 213  )

The date of appeal of the judgment begins from the date of its issuance, unless otherwise provided by law . This date starts from the date of the announcement of the verdict to the sentenced person in cases where he has failed to appear at all the sessions scheduled for the consideration of the case and has not submitted a note of his defense before the court or before the expert, if he fails to appear and has not submitted a note to the court or to Of the reasons. The deadline also starts from the date of the announcement of the judgment if there is a reason for the interruption of the dispute and the judgment is issued without the jurisdiction of the person who takes the place of the opponent who died or lost his eligibility for the dispute or his status has disappeared .

The sentence shall be announced to the sentenced person or in his place of origin . The appointment is made in the right of the one who announced the verdict .

سقوط الطعن إذا لم تراعي المواعيد  :  ( مادة 215  )

Failure to observe the dates of appeal of judgments entails the loss of the right to appeal . The court decides the fall on its own.

وقف ميعاد الطعن  ( مادة 216  )

The suspension shall cease only after the announcement of the judgment to the person who takes the place of the opponent who died or lost his eligibility to sue or his status has disappeared and the expiration of the dates determined by the law of the country of the deceased to take the status of the heir, if he was .

قيد الطعن من الخصم  ( مادة 217 )

If the convicted person dies during the time of the appeal, his opponent may file the appeal and announce it to his heirs in a sentence without mentioning their names and attributes, in the last domicile that was for their inheritance .

 When the appeal is filed and announced on the applicant's behalf, it must be re-announced to all heirs with their names and descriptions of their persons or in the home of each of them . Before the scheduled hearing for consideration of the appeal or the date set by the court for this .

 If the sentenced person loses his eligibility to litigate during the time of the appeal, or if he dies or the status of the one who was pursuing the dispute against him disappears , the appeal may be filed and announced to the one who lost his eligibility or the one who died the one who was pursuing the dispute about him, or to the one whose status , Before the scheduled hearing for consideration of the appeal or on the date set by the court for this.


مبدأ نسبية أثر الطعن  ( مادة 218 )

With the exception of the provisions on appeals filed by the public prosecution, the appeal benefits only those who filed it and does not protest against anyone who filed it. However, if the judgment is issued on an indivisible subject, in an obligation of solidarity, or in a case in which the law requires the jurisdiction of certain persons, those who missed the appeal date of the sentenced or before the judgment may challenge it during the consideration of the appeal filed on time by one of his colleagues joining him in his requests, if he does not . If the appeal is filed against one of the sentenced on time, the rest must be shortened, even after it is too late for them. The guarantor and the applicant of the guarantee also benefit from the appeal filed by either of them in the judgment issued in the original lawsuit, as they take their defense in it, and if an appeal is filed against either, the other may be reduced in it.

ميعاد الاستئناف  ( مادة 227 )

The appeal date is forty days unless otherwise provided by law. The deadline is five days in urgent matters, regardless of the court that issued the verdict. The date of Appeal shall be sixty days for the attorney general or his substitute.

ميعاد الطعن إذا صدر الحم بناء علي غش أو تدليس أو تزوير  ( مادة 228 )

If the verdict is issued based on a fraud signed by the opponent, based on a forged paper, based on a false certificate, or because of the failure to show a conclusive paper in the case that the opponent has detained, the date of his appeal does not start until the day on which the fraud appeared, or on which he admitted to the forgery he committed, or The paper that was seized.

ميعاد ضم الدعوى المستأنف حكمها  ( مادة 231 )

The registry of the court clerk to whom the appeal is filed shall request the inclusion of the file of the primary case the day after the day on which the appeal is filed .  

The registry of the court that issued the verdict must send the case file within ten days at most from the date of his request, and this time is reduced to three days in urgent cases, and the appellate court will sentence those who neglect to request the file to be included or to send it on time with a fine of not less than twenty pounds and not exceeding two hundred pounds by an unappealable verdict .

ميعاد التماس إعادة النظر – الإجراءات  ( مادة 242  )

The deadline for the petition is forty days . In the cases provided for in the first four paragraphs of the previous article, it shall not start except from the day on which the fraud appeared, or on which the fraud was admitted to have been committed or was judged proven, or on which the perjury witness was sentenced, or on the day on which the detained paper appeared. The appointment begins in the case provided for in the seventh paragraph from the day on which the verdict is announced to the one who correctly represents the convicted person. The appointment begins in the case provided for in the eighth paragraph from the day on which fraud, collusion or gross negligence appeared. Cassation appeal deadline Article 252 the cassation appeal deadline is sixty days .

 This deadline shall not apply to the appeal filed by the public prosecutor in the interest of the law in accordance with the provision of Article 250 .

ميعاد اطلاع المدعي علية علي صحيفة الدعوى  ( مادة 255  )

The appellant must deposit the court's clerk's pen at the time of submitting the newspaper, photos, including the number of the challenged against them, a photo of the clerk's pen, the power of attorney of the lawyer assigned to the appeal, and a note explaining the reasons for his appeal, and he must attach the documents supporting the appeal, unless the case file This indicates that the court may take whatever it sees in order to view these documents .

If the Appeal newspaper has been deposited by the registry of the court that issued the judgment, its registry must send all the papers related to the appeal to the court of Cassation the day after the submission of the newspaper .

 ويجب على قلم كتاب محكمة النقض أن يطلب  خلال يومين من إيداع صحيفة الطعن به أو وصلها إليه ضم ملف القضية بجميع مفرداته، وعلى قلم كتاب المحكمة التى أصدرت الحكم أن يرسل الملف خلال سبعة أيام على الأكثر من تاريخ طلبه .

ميعاد قيد الطعن بالنقض – إعلان صحيفة الطعن بالنقض  ( مادة 256 )

The registry of the court of Cassation shall record the appeal on the day of submission of the newspaper or its arrival to it in the special register for this . He must, at the latest the next day, hand over the original of the newspaper and its photographs to the bailiffs 'registry for its announcement and return the original to the writers' registry . The registry of bailiffs must announce the appeal sheet within thirty days at the latest from the date of its delivery to it . Failure to observe this deadline does not entail the invalidity of the announcement of the Appeal newspaper .

ميعاد إيداع الخصم مذكرة بالدفاع أمام محكمة النقض  ( مادة 258 )

If the defendant in the appeal begins to present a defense, he must deposit the registry of the court of Cassation within fifteen days from the date of his announcement in the Appeal newspaper a memorandum of his defense accompanied by the power of attorney of the lawyer entrusted to him and the documents that he considers to submit .

 If he does so, the appellant may also, within fifteen days of the expiration of the said deadline, deposit a note with the documents that he considers to be submitted in support of the response .

In the case of a plurality of defendants, each of them shall, if necessary, file a memorandum of reply to the memorandum submitted by the other defendants within the last fifteen days, accompanied by a power of attorney for the lawyer assigned to him . If the appellant uses his right of reply, the defendants have fifteen more days to file a note with their observations on the reply .

ميعاد إدخال خصم جديد في الطعن بالنقض  ( مادة 259 )

The defendants in the appeal May, before the expiration of the time stipulated in the first paragraph of the previous article, enter into the appeal any opponent in the case in which the appealed judgment was issued who was not appealed to, and his entry shall be by announcing the appeal . Anyone who has entered may file a memorandum of his defense with the court of Cassation within fifteen days from the date of his announcement, accompanied by the documents that he considers to be submitted .in this case, the response dates stipulated in the third and fourth second paragraphs of the previous article shall not apply until after the expiration of the aforementioned fifteen days.

ميعاد إخطار محامي الخصوم بإيداع الخصوم للمذكرات  ( مادة 264 )

The pen of the book notifies the lawyers of the opponents who have filed their memoirs on the date of the specified hearing at least fifteen days before its holding, in a recommended book, and the case is included in the session schedule .

The schedule shall be stuck in the pen of the book at least fifteen days before the session and shall remain suspended for the entire said period .

الإعلان قبل التنفيذ – الإعلان – ما يتضمنه – الأثر المترتب علية  ( مادة 281 )  

The execution must be preceded by the declaration of the executive deed to the debtor's person or in his place of origin, otherwise it is invalid . This declaration must include the assignment of the debtor to fulfill the required Statement and the appointment of a chosen home for the applicant for execution in the town where the competent enforcement court is located .

When initiating the execution of an official contract by opening a credit, an extract from the debtor's account from the commercial books of creditors must be declared with him .

Execution may be carried out only after at least one day has elapsed from the announcement of the executive bond.

ميعاد الإعلان بالسند التنفيذي  ( مادة 284 )

If the debtor dies or loses his eligibility or the status of the person who initiates the proceedings on his behalf before the start of execution or before its completion in the execution may be accepted by his heirs or his substitute only after the lapse of eight days from the date of their announcement of the executive deed . Before the expiration of three months from the date of the debtor's death, the papers related to the execution may be announced to his heirs wholesale in the last domicile of their heirs without specifying their names and attributes .

ميعاد الإعلان بالعزم علي التنفيذ  ( مادة 285 )

A third party may not perform the required under the executive bond nor be forced to perform it only after the debtor announces the intention to such execution at least eight days before its occurrence .

ميعاد المنازعة في اقتدار الكفيل  ( مادة 295 )

Within three days following this announcement, the ability of the sponsor or the custodian or the adequacy of what is deposited may be disputed, provided that the dispute claim is announced within this time by instructing the opponent to appear before the competent enforcement judge and be the arbiter of the dispute once and for all .

If the dispute is not submitted on time or submitted and refused to take the guarantor in the pen of the book The Pledge of sponsorship or the custodian must accept custody, and the minutes containing the Pledge of the guarantor shall serve as an executive bond before the obligations arising from his pledge.

 تحديد المحضر ميعادا لنظر الإشكال  ( مادة 312 )

If forms are presented at the time of execution and a temporary procedure is required, the bailiff may suspend the execution or proceed with it as a precaution, with the assignment of the opponents in both cases to appear before the execution Judge, even an hour later and at his home if necessary .it is sufficient to prove that this assignment occurred in the record with regard to the filing of the forms.

In all cases, execution may not be carried out before the judge issues his verdict .

The Registrar shall edit copies of his minutes as many as the number of liabilities and a copy of the book pen to which the execution papers and documents submitted by the user shall be attached and the book pen shall record the forms on the day of delivery of the photo to him in the special register .

The obligated party to the executive deed must be reduced to the problem if it is raised by others, whether by showing it in front of the minutes as indicated in the first paragraph or by the usual procedures for filing a lawsuit.if he does not shorten the problem, the court must assign the Inquirer his jurisdiction on a date set for him, if he does not carry out what the court ordered, the ruling may not accept the problem.

The submission of any other forms shall not entail a stay of execution unless the execution judge decides to suspend.

The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the first forms of the amount of exchange committed in the executive bond if it has not been shortened in the previous form. The date of the announcement of the barrier to the detainee with the booking record and the order issued within eight days at the latest from the date of signing, otherwise it is considered as if not.

Article 320

In the provisional seizure of movable property, the rules and procedures stipulated in the first chapter of Part Three of this book shall be followed, except for those related to determining the day of sale . The detainee must be informed by the checkpoint of the booking record and the order issued if it has not been announced before, within eight days at the latest from the date of signing, otherwise it is considered as if it was not .

In cases where the seizure is by order of the enforcement judge, the checkpoint must, within eight days referred to in the previous paragraph, file a lawsuit before the competent court to prove the right of seizure, otherwise the seizure will be considered as if it was not.

 ميعاد إبلاغ الحجز الي المحجوز علية  ( مادة 332)

 The booking shall be notified to the detainee of the same booking sheet after it has been announced to the detainee with the designation of a chosen place of residence for the detainee in the town where the seat of the court located in the district is the home of the detainee .

 The reservation must be notified eight days after its announcement to the person who has booked it, otherwise the reservation will be considered as if it was not.

ميعاد رفع دعوي ثبوت الحق وصحة الحجز  ( مادة 333 )

In cases where the detention is ordered by the enforcement judge, the checkpoint must, within eight days referred to in the previous article, file a lawsuit before the competent court to prove the right and validity of the detention, otherwise the detention will be considered as if it was not . If the debt claim was previously filed in another court, the claim for the validity of the seizure was submitted to the same court for consideration together .

ميعاد إعلان قلم الكتاب الحاجز والمحجوز عليه بحصول الإيداع  ( مادة 337 )

The booking shall remain on the amounts deposited to the court Treasury pursuant to the provision of the previous article and on the registry of the book to inform the barrier and the detainee of the receipt of the deposit within three days by a registered letter accompanied by a receipt flag .

The deposit must be accompanied by a signed statement from the person booked with the reservations that were signed under his hand, the dates of their announcement, the names of the reservations and the booked, their descriptions, the home of each of them, the bonds under which the reservations were signed and the amounts for which they were booked .

 This deposit is exempt from the report, including the receivable, if the amount deposited is sufficient to meet the barrier's debt, and if a new reservation is signed on the deposited amount and it becomes insufficient, the barrier may entrust the detainee with the report, including his receivable, within fifteen days from the day he was assigned that .

 ميعاد الإعلان بالتقرير بما في الذمة  ( مادة 341 )

If the detainee dies, loses his eligibility, or his status or the status of his representative disappears, the detainee may declare the heirs of the detainee or the person acting in his place with a copy of the booking sheet and assign him the report, including the due date, within fifteen days .

إعلان المدين بتوقيع الدائن الحجز تحت يد نفسه  ( مادة 349 )

The creditor may sign the attachment under his own hand on what he owes to his debtor, and the attachment shall be by a declaration to the debtor that includes the data to be mentioned in the attachment notification sheet .

In cases where the seizure is ordered by the enforcement judge, the checkpoint must, within eight days following the announcement of the debtor of the seizure, file a claim before the competent court to prove the right and validity of the seizure, otherwise the seizure is considered as if it were not .

ميعاد وإجراءات الحجز تحت يد المصالح الحكومية  ( مادة 350  )

A reservation placed under the control of one of the government departments, local administrative units, public bodies, public institutions, companies and associations affiliated to them shall have effect only for a period of three years from the date of its announcement, unless the barrier booked with it announces during this period the retention of the reservation .

If such a declaration does not take place or if it is not renewed every three years, the booking shall be deemed as if no matter what procedures, agreements or provisions have been made or issued in respect of it. The said three-year period for the treasury of the court shall commence only from the date of deposit of the amounts withheld therefrom .

ميعاد الحجز علي الثمار والمزروعات  ( مادة 354 )

Neither connected fruits nor existing plantings may be reserved more than forty-five days before their ripening .

The subject of the land, the name of the basin, the Lot Number, its area and boundaries, the type of plantings or the type of trees, their number, what is expected to be harvested, harvested or produced from them and its approximate value must be indicated in the record accurately.

ميعاد المدين بمحضر الحجز  ( مادة  362 )

If the seizure took place in the presence of the debtor or in his home country, a copy of the minutes shall be handed over to him in the manner set out in Article 10 .if the seizure took place in a non-home country and in his absence, it must be announced in the minutes the next day at the latest.

ميعاد اعتبار الحجز كأن لم يكن  ( مادة 375 )  

The seizure shall be considered as if not if the sale has not been completed within three months from the date of its signing, unless the sale has been stopped by the agreement of the liabilities, by a court ruling or by virtue of the law . However, it may not be agreed to postpone the sale for a period exceeding three months from the date of the agreement. The enforcement judge may, if necessary, order an extension of the deadline for a period not exceeding three months.

ميعاد إجراء البيع  ( مادة 376 )

The sale may not be made until at least eight days have elapsed from the date of delivery of the copy of the booking record to the debtor or its announcement thereof and may not be made until at least one day has elapsed from the date of completion of the pasting and publication procedures . However, if the reserved items are subject to damage or the goods are subject to price fluctuations, the enforcement judge may order the sale from hour to hour based on a petition submitted by the guard or a concerned person.

ميعاد الإعلان إذا كان البيع أي معدن   ( مادة 380 )

Before the sale of jewelry or ingots of gold, silver or any precious metal and the sale of jewelry and precious stones, if the estimated value exceeds twenty thousand pounds, the announcement of the sale must be published in one of the daily newspapers scheduled to publish judicial announcements before the day of sale.

ميعاد البيع  ( مادة 383 )

If the sale did not take place on the appointed day in the booking record, re-pasted and published in the manner indicated in the previous materials and the reserved person was announced with the affixed certificate of pasting at least one day before the sale.

ميعاد التنبيه بنزع ملكية العقار كمقدمة للتنفيذ  ( مادة 401 )

The execution begins with the announcement of the notice of expropriation of the property to the debtor for his person or for his home, including the following data :

  1. بيان نوع السند التنفيذي وتاريخه ومقدار الدين المطلوب الوفاء به وتاريخ إعلان السند .
  2. أعذار المدين بأنه إذا لم يدفع الدين يسجل التنبيه ويباع عله العقار جبراً .
  3. وصف العقار مع بيان موقعه ومساحته وحدوده وأرقام القطع وأسماء الأحواض وأرقامها التى يقع فيها وغير ذلك مما يفيد فى تعيينه وذلك بالتطبيق لقانون الشهر العقاري. وللدائن أن يستصدر بعريضة أمر بالترخيص للمحضر بدخول العقار للحصول على البيانات اللازمة لوصف العقار ومشتملا ته . وله أن يستصحب من يعاونه فى ذلك ولا يجوز التظلم من هذا الأمر .
  4. تعيين موطن مختار للدائن المباشر للإجراءات فى البلدة التى بها مقر محكمة التنفيذ .

If the warning sheet does not contain statements 1, 3 of this article, it is invalid. If the execution on a mortgaged property is carried out by a non-debtor, the alert is declared to the current one after the debtor has been assigned to fulfill in accordance with Article 281. Article 413 if it turns out that an alarm has already been registered for the owner of the same property, the provisions of articles 402 and 403 shall be applied, and if the alarm registration has fallen, the alarm registration has fallen accordingly .

Article 414

 The person who initiates the proceedings shall file the list of conditions of sale with the registry of the execution court within ninety days from the date of registration of the expropriation notice, otherwise the registration of the notice shall be considered as if not. This list should include the following data :

  1. بيان السند التنفيذي الذي حصل التنبيه بمقتضاه .
  2. تاريخ التنبيه وتاريخ وإنذار الحائز إن وجد ورقمي تسجيلهما وتاريخه.
  3. تعيين العقارات المبينة فى التنبيه مع بيان موقعها وحدودها ومساحتها ورقم القطعة واسم الحوض ورقمه وغير ذلك من البيانات التى تفيد فى تعيينها .
  4. شروط البيع والثمن الأساسي. ويكون تحديد هذا الثمن وفقاً للفقرة الأولى من المادة 37

. 5   تجزئة العقار إلى صفقات إن كان لذلك محل مع ذكر الثمن الأساسي لكل صفقة.       

The date of the objections hearing and the date of the sale hearing shall be specified in the minutes of the filing .

ميعاد إعلان المدين والحائز والكفيل بقائمة شروط البيع للعقار  ( مادة 417 )

The registry of the book must, within the fifteen days following the filing of the list of conditions of sale, inform the debtor, the holder, the guarantor in kind, creditors who have registered their alerts and creditors with restricted rights before registering the alert .

 The minutes that announced the news sheet and notified the Office of the month of its receipt within the following eight days for reference on the margin of registration of the alert, and the creditors referred to in the previous paragraph become a party to the proceedings from the date of this indication .

Registrations and visas related to the proceedings may then be cancelled only with the consent of all such creditors or by virtue of final judgments against them .

ميعاد تسجيل الاعتراضات علي قائمة شروط البيع  ( مادة 419 )

The minutes of the filing of the list of conditions of sale for the consideration of objections shall specify the first session to be dissolved after the expiration of thirty days from the date of expiration of the date referred to in Article 417, and the period between this session and the sale session shall not be less than thirty days and not more than sixty days, if no objections .

ميعاد الإعلان عن إيداع القائمة  ( مادة 421 )  

The book registry announces the filing of the list by publishing it in one of the daily newspapers scheduled for judicial announcements and by commenting on the Billboard prepared for announcements in the court, within eight following the latest news of the filing of the list. The minutes of the comment and a copy of the newspaper shall be filed with the implementation file within eight days following the filing. And everyone can look at the list of conditions of sale in the pen of the book without transferring it from it.

 ميعاد رسو المزاد عي بيع العقار  ( مادة 439 )

If one or more buyers apply at the sale hearing, the judge approves the bid immediately at the hearing for the one who submitted the largest offer and the offer that is not increased within three minutes is considered the end of the auction.

تحديد جلسة جديد للبيع  ( مادة 441 )

كل حكم يصدر بتأجيل البيع يجب أن يشتمل على تحديد جلسة لإجرائه في تاريخ يقع بعد ثلاثين يوما وقبل ستين يوما من يوم الحكم. ويعاد الإعلان عن المبيع في الميعاد وبالإجراءات المنصوص عليها في المواد 428 ، 429 ، 430.  فإذا كانت التأجيل البيع فد سبقه اعتماد عطاء وجب أن يشتمل الإعلان أيضا على البيانات الآتي ذكرها :

  1. بيان إجمالي بالعقارات التي أعتمد عطاؤها.
  2. اسم من اعتمد عطاؤه ومهنته وموطنه الأصلي أو المختار.
  3. الثمن الذي أعتمد به العطاء.

ميعاد تسجيل الحكم بإيقاع البيع  ( مادة 447 )

The registry of the book Shall, on behalf of the concerned persons, request the registration of the judgment with the rhythm of the sale within three days following its issuance. The registered judgment shall be a deed of ownership of the person who signed the sale . However, only the rights of the debtor, the holder or the guarantor in kind to the sold property shall be transferred to him.

مخالفة ميعاد إيداع قائمة شروط البيع  ( مادة 452)  

If the person initiating the proceedings does not deposit the list of conditions of sale within forty-five days following the registration of the last notification he made, the subsequent creditor in the registration may deposit the list and replace him in the follow-up of the proceedings.

 The person who initiates the proceedings must deposit the paperwork of the proceedings within three days after being notified of this by a bailiff, otherwise he will be responsible for compensation and the expenses of the person who initiates the proceedings will not be refunded until after the sale. Legal dates and periods in zuwain3 the law of proof according to the latest legislative amendments the expert is appointed directly to the burdens of the charging bailiff Article 3 if the court has assigned one of its judges to start a procedure of proof, it must set a time limit not exceeding three weeks to start this procedure announcement of the sentences issued by the Declare the issued orders to set the date of the evidentiary procedure otherwise it is invalid .

ويكون الإعلان بناء علي طلب قلم الكتاب بميعاد يومين ميعاد الطعن بالتزوير  –

ميعاد الإعلان بشواهد التزوير  ( مادة 49 )

يكون الادعاء بالتزوير في أية حالة تكون عليها الدعوى بتقرير في قلم الكتاب  ، وتبين في هذا التقرير كل مواضع التزوير وألا يكون باطلا . ويجب أن يعلن مدعي التزوير خصمه في الثمانية أيام التالية للتقرير بمذكرة يبين فيها شواهد التزوير وإجراءات التحقيق التي يرغب اثباته لها ، وإلا جاز الحكم بسقوط ادعائه .

ميعاد اطلاع الخبير علي  المستندات المقدمة في الدعوى  ( مادة 138 )

في اليوميين التاليين لإيداع الأمانة يدعو  قلم الكتاب الخبير بكتاب مسجل ليطلع علي الأوراق المودعة بغير أن يتسلمها ما لم تأذن له المحكمة أو الخصوم في ذلك ويتسلم صورة من الحكم  .

 ميعاد طلب الخبير إعفائه من المأمورية  ( مادة 140 )

للخبير خلال الخمسة أيام التالية لتاريخ تسلمه صورة الحكم من قلم الكتاب أن يطلب إغفاءة من أداء مأمور يته ولرئيس الدائرة التي  عينته أو القاضي الذي عينه أن يعفيه منها إذا رأي أن الأسباب التي أبداها لذلك مقبولة .

In urgent cases, the court may decide in its judgment the same date, if the expert has not performed the task and has not been exempted from its performance, the court that assigned him May sentence him to the expenses that he caused to be spent uselessly and to compensation if there is a place for it, without prejudice to disciplinary sanctions

ميعاد رد الخبير  ( مادة 142 )

The request for a response shall be made by instructing the expert to appear before the court or the judge appointed by him within three days following the date of the judgment, if this judgment has been issued in the presence of the respondent, otherwise in the three days following the announcement of the operative judgment to him .

ميعاد مباشرة الخبير لمامؤريته  ( مادة 146 )

علي الخبير أن يحدد لبدء عمله تاريخا لا يجاوز الخمسة عشرة يوما التالية للتكليف  المذكورة في المادة 138 وعليه أن يدعوا الخصوم يكتب مسجلة ترسل قبل التاريخ بسبعة أيام علي الأقل يخبرهم فيها بمكـان أول اجتماع ويومه و ساعته .

وفي حالات الاستعجال يجوز أن ينص في الحكم علي مباشرة العمل في الثلاثة أيام التالية لتاريخ التكليف بالحضور المذكور علي الأكثر ، وعندئذ يدعي الخصوم بإشارة برقية ترسل قبل الاجتماع الأول بأربع وعشرين ساعة علي الأقل .  وفي حالة الاستعجال  القصوى يجوز أن ينص في الحكم علي مباشرة المأمورية فورا . ودعوة الخصوم بإشارة برقية للخصوم في الحال ويترتب علي عدم دعوة الخصوم بطلان عمل الخبير .

ميعاد إيداع الخبير لتقريره  – إخطار الخصوم  ( مادة 151 )

If the location of the court before which the case is pending is far from the expert's home, he may Deposit his report and its appendices to his nearest court, and the court must send the papers to the court that is considering the case . The expert must inform the liabilities of this deposit within twenty-four hours of its receipt by registered letter .

ظورة أمامها الدعوى بعيدا عن موطن الخبير جاز له إيداع تقريره وملحقاته أقرب محكمة له ، وعلي المحكمة إرسال الأوراق إلى المحكمة التي تنظر الدعوى . وعلي الخبير أن يخبر الخصوم بهذا الإيداع خلال الأربعة والعشرين ساعة لحصوله وذلك بكتاب مسجل .